I feel that to be curious is a really good idea and to keep discovering new and exciting elements both within self and outside of us, keeps us young, alive and vibrant in health and the wealth of life itself.
Read MoreSome of us surround ourselves with playthings and material wealth, while others surround themselves with large groups of people and community events, still others have a small, intimate circle of family and friends that they cherish. All versions are our own choices to create an amazing life.
Read MoreI have experienced many aspects of the process of life and death. I worked for a few years with a beautiful hospice, providing some spiritual counsel and healing.
Read MoreIt’s so funny how many times I’ve been asked to provide readings for people and during the reading I’ve seen them moving onward, stepping through doorways, away from their current reality….
Read MoreI am writing this story with a genuine happiness that I’ve visited most of my life, and have only begun to step into at this point of my human existence. I say that, because at the root of my own spirit I know of a deep happiness that I’ve not always found here on earth.
Read MoreLife is supposed to be fun and when you can have fun instead of what we call work, the lines get blurry in a really good way. I often feel I am living this reality because I love the work that pours through me and I am blessed to touch lives that in turn truly keep opening my heart and stretching me beyond anything I could have imagined.
Read MoreI have a couple of foot stories involving healing. They came out of great discomfort for the wearers of the feet. One of them was my mum, who was walking with me on a retail therapy trip and her ankle suddenly gave way. She sprained it quite badly and couldn't walk any more that day. She limped to the car and we got her limping into the house.
Read MoreIt’s one of our main purposes on this earth in these bodies, to keep waking up our consciousness and awareness of all things, including ourselves of course. This story has mixed blessings and lots of growth within it.
Read MoreIt’s so easy to believe and then disbelieve and then this becomes flighty and feels temporary, and even fleeting which is like life. When we can create a knowing and a certainty in how we show up, what we do and how we share ourselves with others, there is a confidence that comes with that, which will add value to our life force energy field.
Read MoreI have learnt, and continue to strengthen, this understanding that with practice many aspects of living on earth can transform from believing to knowing. Perhaps it comes with the age process and perhaps it naturally evolves with more experiences. This next story isn’t to highlight any clever parlor tricks, it’s simply to illustrate an instance when believing has become a knowing for me.
Read MoreFaith is a word that holds a great deal of energy for me. I hold faith with a spiritual leaning rather than a religious one. I have had so much proof that the power of faith is worthwhile, as I share the story following to illustrate it.
Read MoreOver the years I’ve had many experiences which were direct proof that it’s entirely possible to be good at manifesting. I will share a few examples with you…….
Read MoreWe have opportunities to bloom wherever we have planted ourselves and I often see, help to inspire and invite others to blossom through their life journeys. I love the work because of how I witness the changes and improvements that so often unfold right before my eyes.
Read MoreI love the art of standing in Possibility. I also love sharing that perspective with clients, family and friends when they are open to it.
Read MoreOne of my favorite stories of healing came from a man, Ben, who almost at our opening, would step into the healing center daily, mostly to eat more than two of my mum’s homemade oatmeal cookies.
Read MoreI have found that humor and keeping the bounce in our “Tigger” steps is important to the pleasures that can be created within close emotional ties to ourselves and each other.
Read MoreI often joke and let people know that the way to enlightenment is to literally lighten up, however true that may be, the reality isn’t quite as simple sometimes as it may seem on first glance.
Read MoreWhen doing a reading, I’m often asked how to get aspects of an individual’s life moving, from places that they feel stuck. The truth is it’s not actually possible to be stuck, because even if we stand perfectly still, we are standing on a constantly spinning ball of energy in the Universe.
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