Amazing Life - A Spiritual Story

We can each generate an amazing life and it’s never too late to start right now.

What makes for an amazing life?

Is it a life without struggle or is it how we overcome adversity and find our way out regardless of the challenges that show themselves?

In over 30 years of guiding individuals and groups, I’ve seen a variety of lives lived. Some seemed full  and were empty, while others seemed empty and were rich and filled.

Some of us surround ourselves with playthings and material wealth, while others surround themselves with large groups of people and community events, still others have a small, intimate circle of family and friends that they cherish. All versions are our own choices to create an amazing life.

Once I was traveling with a girlfriend and work colleague from Southern California to Northern California and we pulled off the freeway to fill hungry bellies with food. Perhaps she’d spent too much time with me, as she had a massive craving for fish and chips (fried fish and French fries).

We found a fish shop, that had a small store front. The man who greeted us was delighted we came into his business. He was so proud of his accomplishments, he gave us a guided tour of the massive warehouse behind the tiny shop, while our dinner was cooking. The back was spacious and there were whole fish laying in boxes surrounded by ice. They were beautiful and he was excited to share his dream that had come true for him. His business was placed centrally to both Southern and Northern California, which allowed the boats to deliver fresh catch for him to quickly deliver via several methods to buyers all over California.

All the boxes were spoken for and he had a thriving operation.

Our food was ready. We sat at café style tables eating while his eyes shone with his success. I was feeling like this man shared his amazing life, until he spoke of his daughter, divorce and the challenges he faced in his personal experience. The difference between his two Worlds was so apparent. The meal became a bit of a healing session which drew hugs and thanks from him when we left his sweet shop with full, happy bellies.

I have found this to be a truth that balancing all the elements of life to create amazing is one of the big challenges, until it isn’t.

When we draw from the point of success and happiness and pour it onto the places that need our attention, we can generate more balance everywhere, hence creating the amazing life we each wish to live.

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Love & Blessings,


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