Ruth Kramer
Guiding people to live their
best lives
for over 30 years
Ruth Kramer is an Internationally known Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master and Angel Card Reader, with over 30 years of experience guiding people to live their best lives. Ruth is originally from just south of London, England in the UK. She has travelled much of the world and has spent time living in various places throughout the UK and the United States. She has dedicated her pursuit to higher education by obtaining her PhD in the area of Metaphysical Sciences.
As a gifted healer, Ruth has the extraordinary ability to open herself to receive guidance from the Angels, Archangels and the Ascended Masters and then deliver that information to her clients, affecting profound change in their lives. Ruth excels in personalizing guided meditations which direct clients to greater peace and transformation. She is an accomplished author of over 20 books, expanding the imagination of readers in a variety of subjects dealing with living a better life and expanding their own gifts.
Ruth’s mission is to touch hearts, open minds and reach the true spiritual essence of individuals. She has taken up residence in the “Tar Heel” state of North Carolina with her darling man Jeff. North Carolina is a great fit for them with the motto “Esse Quam Vidiri” which is Latin for “To be rather than to seem”.
“Ruth Kramer turns lives completely around. She has the rare triple crown talent of being an intuitive, life coach, and healer, along with being one of the most positive spirits on the planet. Let her guide you to the Bliss you deserve. ”
“I cannot recommend a session with Ruth Kramer high enough. It will be an experience that will change your life. Her approach with humor and her incredible knowledge of the spirit world is so warm and encouraging that you will wonder how you ever navigated this world without her. I am lucky enough to call her my friend and one of the best gifts I have been blessed with in my life.”
“It is difficult to put into words what an amazing person and healer Ruth Kramer is. I have known Ruth for over 8 years now and she has been an instrumental part in my mental and spiritual life. 4 years ago both of my Moms passed away and in December of 2017 our oldest son who was only 18 died suddenly. Ruth has kept me in touch with all of them and it it has been my saving grace. She is loving, caring, honest and as true as they come. I love her dearly!!!”
“Everything from our first reading was very spot on and confirmed where life was leading...I have made some big changes in this short time and I am feeling now that I am ready for more guidance”
“I met Ruth almost 3 years ago when I was mourning the loss of another pregnancy and feeling lost and hopeless. Ruth was able to share with me details only she could know and on that day, restored my faith and spirituality. Today, Ruth continues to be my mentor and spiritual advisor and is a trusted confidant. Ruth has a gift (many actually!) and has so much to contribute to the world. I wish everyone could have the chance to at least meet her. ”