Divine Love Meditation
Divine love holds an enormous power of attraction. It's also a balancing force that brings harmony inside us and the other people around us, with Nature, and with God SOURCE ENERGY. Divine love seeks no object to express itself.
Healed & Whole Meditation
This meditation is designed to facilitate healing from past trauma and and burdens, bringing all of the pieces of your shattered being back together making you whole again! There remains a connection that we need to pull back to us to revitalize our life force energy.
Balance Video Meditation
In this guided meditation we intend and create balance. In most spiritually enriched languages, balance is of vital importance to our health and in our relationships. This meditation is a gentle reminder to get into & maintain greater balance in this life we are gifted to experience.
Transition Meditation
We are all consistently wading through transitions in our lives. Some of our transitions can be smooth, while others will often challenge the very fabric of the life we thought we’d built. We must embrace change because it will happen with or without our permission.
Love Meditation
Being in the vibration of unconditional love is such a gift and can be a little elusive while here on this earth plane. Creating time and space to be immersed in Love is worth our time whenever possible. This meditation intentionally places the listener in an unconditionally loving space.
Past Life Meditation
Understanding past life is helpful in healing the present, creating freedom from chains of the past. It is way overdue for you to have easy access to your own past life or lives. This is a great tool and I am so happy to bring it to you.
Thankful Meditation
When we give thanks and are grateful for all the sweet little things, more significant aspects of life show up, giving us even more reasons to be thankful. Grace is gratitude and thankfulness is grace in motion if you like. This meditation focuses on being thankful for absolutely everything in our existence
Generosity Meditation
Life simply gets better when we create a greater reality and being generous doesn’t have as much to do with what’s in our pockets or bank accounts as we may think. Being generous is as much an attitude as it is in what we have to give materially.
Freedom Meditation
This is a guided visual meditation to inspire you to discover greater FREEDOM! You will be encouraged to do this your way with my guidance. This is a channeled stream of consciousness. My intention is to assist you in finding the truth of your life & value yourself more...
Chakra Meditation
This incredible guided meditation will take you on a voyage of opening your 7 chakras, preparing you for greater access to your gifts!
Sweet Life Meditation
This meditation was created with the focused intent to assist you in creating the "Sweet Life" you deserve. It brings forth the concept of pulling from the Universe all that is needed to in order for you to step into an exceptional life that is deeply meaningful and richly rewarding
Dreams Meditation
Dreaming is something we often consider as a sleeping tool of imagination, allowing for creativity to erupt. This meditation is designed to take you into that in-between world of wakeful consciousness and blissful sleep so you can mold the fabric of reality to match your deepest desires.
Doorways Meditation
There are many doorways that we encounter through our life path. This meditation focuses on setting life goals and creating the most incredible reality as a result of intentionally constructing and choosing to step through the doorway of manifestation. Take control of what you experience in your life.
Blossoming Meditation
This meditation is quite lovely it will help you to plant seeds towards the full bloom in all areas of your life. Please enjoy this meditation and play it over and over for any of those times that you need to blossom your life in full bloom!
Spring Forward Meditation
Springing forward is all about nurturing the blossoming and blooming of the work done in the winter months... Springing forward is a celebration and a birthing of new elements in your life! Watching everything come to life and bringing your gifts forward to impact your life in magical ways.
Higher Self
One of the most important self-mastery techniques we can utilize is the Higher self connection. The space of the Higher Self is a connection to everything and a oneness to all the other realms and the Highest state of consciousness that we can live in our lives.
Celebration Meditation
This meditation invites you into your whole being with the focus on celebrating who you are, what you do and anywhere you’ve already been that’s created happiness in your life. This invocation is to help you find and keep the celebration of life and your life in particular.
Going Within Meditation
It’s always a good time for going within. We can get deeper. We have so much to access and all of it is waiting at any point. Life gets busy and we can easily forget that there’s a whole World within for us to create time and energy.
Release & Invoke
Energetically we are constantly making space by releasing that which no longer serves our Highest good and invoking or replacing it with what’s new. Life is a sifting process and it’s ongoing. Take the time to let go of what’s complete, and continue to birth new beginnings every day.
Health Meditation
Our minds are a powerful force of healing, especially when intentionally used to generate a stronger more vibrant body leading to a more extraordinary life.