So Happy - A Spiritual Story


I am writing this story with a genuine happiness that I’ve visited most of my life, and have only begun to step into at this point of my human existence. I say that, because at the root of my own spirit I know of a deep happiness that I’ve not always found here on earth.

Recently a romance began and it spun me in the direction of experiencing what it is to know my twin flame here. I imagined it and sent information out to clients, students, and anyone who needed hope to let them know it did exist, while questioning it’s very existence in my own life.

I have this experience every day in a life beyond my wildest dreams, and it keeps getting better. I really love this life, I am so happy and it’s a good idea to share that with you.

I’ve tended to keep my hurts and challenges private.

One of the reasons I did that, was because I was here to serve. I am here to make a difference and to shine as brightly as I can to help others through their hurts and challenges because I’ve grown through all and every one of mine. I am so grateful for all the harsh experiences that have floored me at times. I’ve met the best and the worst of behaviors within people and met with some of my own questionable thoughts, words and actions. I’m thankful for all of them, as each one led me to right here and right now.

I am loved.
I am happy every single day.

I am living well, comfortable, doing what I adore, living in absolute beauty with a darling man who is my ultimate best friend, lover and life partner.

Is it perfect all the time? Actually yes, because any area that is concerning gets talked through, met with no resistance other than understanding and love.

This is the way to go!
This is the path of least resistance.
This does play out the way we would all be able to celebrate a successful and happy existence.

This work my darling man and I now share is so wonderful and we have each of you to thank. I hope and wish for you that your existence is happier because of everywhere you’ve ever been led you to here……….

Make sure that here is really good and where you wish to be.

Ensure you’re happy with who and where you are.

If not - change it!!!!

Nothing is fixed.

No reasons are good enough to be miserable.

Life is worth your time and effort to be happy within the years you are gifted to live.

Be “So Happy” and keep “Growing Happiness” in your garden of life.

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Love & Blessings,


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