Discovery - A Spiritual Story

I am and intend to always be curious like a child with awe and wonder, while here on this earth plane and beyond.

I feel that to be curious is a really good idea and to keep discovering new and exciting elements both within self and outside of us, keeps us young, alive and vibrant in health and the wealth of life itself.

I have a very interesting journey I am so happy to share. It’s personal and it’ll become ours…..

Let me take you on a sweet journey that I physically took when I was 20 years old.

My boyfriend at the time (he later became my first husband and the father of my children) had graduated college and his parents offered him a gift. He chose to travel around the World in 80 days. He asked me to join him. My parents offered to help me take an opportunity of a lifetime and changed their mind 3 weeks before we were leaving. I was floored and my wealthy future father-in-law stepped up and stepped in to keep his word to his son and made it possible for us to travel together. It was one of the greatest gifts I had ever received and I will always be grateful.

The day came and we had our around-the-World ticket, like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had won our golden ticket for a chance in a lifetime.  Our plan began with us flying on Singapore Airlines, from London where he lived to India and then several countries in 80 days. I had an enormous back pack in red with tan leather straps. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I rolled all kinds of clothes, shoes and all I’d need for this epic trip, with excitement and a little trepidation. This was bigger than anything I had ever undertaken. My boyfriend’s backpack was more compact and very well organized.

We left his family home, walking to the local tube train, like a couple of massive adventurers. People were wearing business attire, reading newspapers, looking like serious adults, while we were beginning a trip that would certainly stay with us forever. I wanted to tell everyone.

I was so happy to do something this big.

Excitement is great for the soul.

We took our first flight directly to India. We had a book to instruct us on the Far East on a Shoestring. It was quirky and fun, with great information.

We landed in warm, wet monsoon time in Bombay (now Mumbai) and the traveling began.

There were so many wonderful, interesting and touching experiences. It was hot, dirty, poor, spicy and so fascinating. I loved India.

Then Singapore, so clean and the food was so delicious.

Hong Kong was in it’s last days of British rule and then it was due to become it’s own master. There was a thrill in the air and Hong Kong had a buzz with great food and Worldly people.

Thailand was congested, sexy, filled with golden temples, bad air quality, and wonderful beaches tucked away from mainstream.

Japan was next with a completely different air. Large bowls of soup to slurp, fast bullet trains, proud people, American music and busy areas. The Ryokans were wonderful bed and breakfast style inns to stay in, that were comfortable and pristine.

It was almost disappointing to land in Western civilization in Los Angeles, although my childhood friend lived there and we stayed with them for a few days.

They came with us to Las Vegas, which was brightly lit and fun, if not a little crazy, hot, steamy, slightly sleezy, without clocks and a need for greed in its veins.

Then it was just he and I off to San Francisco, with a little fog, wonderful chowder and the hills that seemed impossible to drive up and down.

Toronto was next with a boat trip under Niagara Falls, and weird yellow plastic jackets and boots. Rainbows and a huge body of water was well worth getting a little wet for.

Last stop was Montreal, which didn’t welcome us at all. It was bad enough for the rivalry between French and British that had stood the test of time. Here there seemed to be a surprise element of hostility toward us and they were supposed to be Canadian. The city was clean and it was our last push before flying home. The hands behind our backs to leave felt mighty.

I saw so much, experienced poverty like I’d never seen before, and heartfelt welcomes in places that were memorable.

I loved every day of the 80 days around the World.

This was a trip of discovery I will never forget and forever be changed by.

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Love & Blessings,


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