Putting Your Best Foot Forward - A Spiritual Story


I have a couple of foot stories involving healing. They came out of great discomfort for the wearers of the feet. One of them was my mum, who was walking with me on a retail therapy trip and her ankle suddenly gave way. She sprained it quite badly and couldn't walk any more that day. She limped to the car and we got her limping into the house.

She sat and her throbbing ankle was already swelling up quite badly. I placed cooling gel on it, raised it and began performing energy work on it. I simply held it and called in all the guides, ArchAngels, Angels and Beings of Light and Only the Light, Masters of the Universe and became very still.  The swelling began to subside under my hands and the soreness left within a few moments.

I encouraged her to sit a while so that the healing could permeate further.

After some time she was able to walk around as though nothing had occurred. She had experienced sprains before, but they hadn’t healed as quickly by far. They usually took a few days for her. I was happy she had received work from Source energy.

The second story was through a loyal client’s daughter who had a huge healing.

She was an athlete, in her last year in high school, seeking the scholarship in college she had been offered. There was a big game coming up and she had broken her ankle. It had been x-rayed and wrapped. A cast was booked to go on within 48 hours, and she was a wreck. She feared losing her scholarship and her mum brought her to me to see if we could do anything.

She lay down on my massage table and I was first guided to cup her head in my hands, inviting her to let go of any fears or expectations. She began dropping into a more relaxed, slightly meditative state, even though she was still fully in the room and on the table receiving the work.

I was taken to her feet and the ankle that was wrapped. I simply placed my hands over it, called in Christ Consciousness and the whole room filled with white light. She felt it too.


I was asked to invite her to see gold bands wrapped gently around her ankle like strands of gold light. The bands felt warm and healing, the gold felt alchemistic in its reason for being there. She worked with me and Christ to allow the gold bands to do what they were there to do, and I saw the break coming together. I asked her to visualize healing bringing the bone together while the bands pulled it back into balance. We both breathed and visualized it doing its best for her.

When we were finished she wasn’t struggling with walking, although I suggested she stay off it until she saw the Dr to find out if there was anything still left to do.

When she returned to the Dr, he x-rayed again at her prompting and the foot was clear. There was no break or need for a cast. She was able to play her game within a few days instead of several weeks.

She placed her best foot forward with a little more proof that there’s more than we know.

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