“Tigger" - A Spiritual Story

For many years I have had the distinct privilege of working with families, helping guide them to build positive relationships with themselves and each other.

I have found that humor and keeping the bounce in our “Tigger” steps is important to the pleasures that can be created within close emotional ties to ourselves and each other.

I once had a set of parents who were at a loss with their youngest son.

He was only 8 years old and a constant source of heavy work for them. He would wander off and could not hold his focus on anything for very long. He was already diagnosed with ADHD and OCD by the medical World. They had a couple of other children and were often at a great loss with how to parent him.

He was fidgety and couldn’t sit still. He wanted to touch everything in the healing room and was more than a little curious, as he picked up gemstones and asked a million questions.

I hadn’t worked with a young boy like this before, and didn’t have any sort of game plan.

Once he seemed very comfortable, I asked him if he wanted to try experiencing amazing feelings of freedom.

He stared at me and nodded enthusiastically.

I began to feel anticipatory about what could take place with him next.

I lay him down on my massage table and invoked heightened guidance for his greatest good.

I began by placing stones beside his feet to keep him grounded and invited him to imagine he had heavy boots on there in the room, so that he was safe to journey.

 Then I simply called in guidance and let him loose through his wonderful free spirit.

I asked him to close his eyes, breathe deeply and drift to a place beyond the room, out past the roof, further to outer space and the stars and to Divine consciousness.

He began describing what he was experiencing, which was vast and freeing for him.

All the limitations of being a young boy in a physical body, with societal constraints left him. He was really enjoying the freedom of touching other forces beyond our realm. He had visions I had never seen, described colors I had not imagined, and explained feelings of euphoria most of us won’t have while here on earth.

He was extraordinary and then he drifted even more, into a deep breathing, non verbal silence.

The feeling of space in the room was immense and authentic.

Bringing him back to earth was almost disappointing, yet necessary.

He came back happier, calmer and definitely seemed to embody more of his free spirit than the human boy who was locked up and restrained.

I gave the parents some ideas to continue the work we had begun and they were shocked that he was so calm.

We worked a few more times and he began finding his way on his own terms.

He found his bounce without it being so disruptive to others.

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