Leaps Ahead - A spiritual Story

One of my favorite stories of healing came from a man, Ben, who almost at our opening, would step into the healing center daily, mostly to eat more than two of my mum’s homemade oatmeal cookies. Her cookies were really, really good, and he must have needed somewhere to visit where he felt a sense of community. My mum loved this short, slim, red-haired 46 year old man with glasses. Maybe she simply loved the fact that he wanted to eat all her cookies.

One day I had just come out of my room, leaving my client to gather herself, after one of those amazing sessions, and he was standing at the desk, smiling and munching.

I jokingly asked him when he was going to be a client rather than our local foodie.

We both laughed and I waved goodbye to re-join my client who was now ready for me to bring her a glass of water and a cookie, so that she could be grounded before re-entry to the World.

When I returned to the front desk, setting her next appointment before she left, my mum looked at me excited, telling me Ben had just booked a session.

He walked in to see me with more trepidation than I could have possibly imagined.

I invited him to take his usual cookie and a tea or water, as he followed me in, hands full.

We sat and I told him I saw his nervousness, and that he was safe. I wouldn’t take him anywhere that he didn’t give me full permission to travel to with him.

He was invited to simply remove shoes, jacket and tie, unbutton his shirt for more comfort, and gently lay face up on my massage table.

He warned me he had a colostomy bag, and that his spine was crooked, so laying down would need cushions and for the table to be slightly upright for him. I accommodated his requests, then asked him to close his eyes and trust me.

I had him breathe really deep, in circular motions with no gaps between, so that a gentle rhythm could form. I held his head in the palms of both my hands, cupping all the pressures in the World, while Divine guidance poured through me as words of inspiration for his Highest Good.

He was floating and although anchored, he was in a very different state of consciousness at this point. I was guided to send him on a cosmic journey where there was nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no demands on him whatsoever. I saw him leaping ahead energetically from where he usually lived.

I gradually brought him out and he was really calm. His eyes were bright and he floated out of my room, sitting deliberately at the one chair placed next to my mum, at the front desk.

I left them to chat, while I changed the sheets and cleared my room for the next day.

When he’d left, my mum helped me lock up and take my laundry bag to the car, and then she placed her hand on my arm, stopping me from turning on the engine to go home. She told me I was going to change Ben’s life and she was so proud to be my mum. He had shared how differently he felt after that session, and had booked again for next week.

When he returned, he was very quiet and simply wanted to go where he had leapt to last week. I was less steady, because I cannot guarantee where someone else goes. I simply held the space and this time began at his head and went to his feet.

He had more trouble returning and hugged me for a long time.

He went out and sat with my mum again and told her he was going to write down what was occurring for him. He also asked me to watch “contact” the movie. He let me know that his experience was similar to the character in that movie played by Jodie Foster. I really appreciated her as an actress, and we were going to rent it, when in our letter box was the movie with a note for my mum to say “this is a gift for all your cookies.”

The movie shows Jodie finding her beloved father who had passed, on the beach in a completely different paradigm, where he walked with her, explaining realms beyond life.

The next week, he had lay there with tears running quietly down his face and a stillness I had never felt in him before. It felt to me as though he had left sorrow behind and made peace with who he was. Our session ended with him holding my hand between his, thanking me with deep appreciation in his eyes. He dropped by the center the next day, with a typed document to read at my leisure.

I read it cover to cover that night and still have the document I now treasure.

He had been born with a defective spine and lots of complications that should not have kept him alive past 10 years old.

They didn’t think he would live and he always hoped he would.

His father was so angry that every year of Ben’s life became an intolerable reminder to his angry father that he existed in what his father felt was an imperfect way. His hands were thrust into toaster ovens, he was locked out of his parent’s home on several occasions and was ignored and forced to eat in his room. It was a tough reality of bullying that played out in school and through his working life.

Our sessions took him to a hut on a beach where he could rest and feel whole.

He stepped out of the hut in bare feet, feeling warm sand between his toes, where he met anyone he needed to complete with.

He met his mum, who with tears running down her face, apologized for her weakness in not protecting him.

He met some of the bullies in school that were sorry for their behavior toward him.

He met his father, who let him know how proud of him he was and that he was perfect after all and that his father just didn’t know or understand what perfect actually was.

The last time I saw him, he showed us his business card. He had started his own company and was achieving great success. He even had two people working for him, instead of being ridiculed and treated poorly by staff and employers for so many years. He was dating and felt like a new man.

Mum was right. Ben’s life did change.

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