Life without some enthusiasm is a bit of a non-event. Let’s not even consider that as a possibility.
Read MoreThis has to be one of those subjects that places a smile on each of our faces. I am not simply speaking with you on this, I am actively taking the action of “enjoying my daily life.”
Read MoreI don’t waste time in this awesome life, looking back. There’s too much glorious joy in creating every single day, as we continue to move forward.
Read MoreThis is such a funny subject, that makes me smile, since I’ve mostly been directionally challenged for much of my life. However, there is always more in a word, than one simple explanation of it’s meaning.
Read MoreWe all deserve what we think, feel and allow ourselves to deserve. When we don’t dumb it down, it can be quite extraordinary, what we can ultimately create, as a result.
Read MoreI have been so fortunate to witness some of the most precious, deeply profound love stories that exist, even within the limitations of mankind. I have many favorite stories to share.
Read MoreWhen I have been invited to help individuals to clear their fields from some of the many stories they’ve willingly or unconsciously taken on, all we’ve needed to do our best work, is the permission to move the energy.
Read MoreLife can be a great, overwhelming challenge, and yet each of us has already accepted it, because we’re here, on this crazy earth plane.
Read MoreAs a guide and healing light for myself and anyone who trusts me with their best and highest potential, it’s vital for me to constantly work with the most calm and peaceful attributes of my being.
Read MoreWe need boundaries in this life here on earth, because it’s another way of respecting ourselves. We live on a grid of the four corners and we live by a grid of time with the clock, so honoring time and space within those grids set here on earth, makes for a life that works in a more harmonious fashion.
Read MoreAny of you delightful readers will know by now that I see each and every one of you as a star, even if you don’t always. I appreciate you so much. Thanks for being you!
Read MoreArchAngel Uriel is one of the major ArchAngels, recognized by all faiths. His name means “Fire of God” and he carries a book, a scroll and a flaming sword, a disc of the sun and a celestial orb, a disc of stars and constellations.
Read MoreI’m sure we’ve all read many wonderful, inspiring stories of receiving help from the Angelic realm. I love all those stories, almost as much as the ones I’ve experienced throughout the 30 plus years of showing up in this extraordinary, sacred work.
Read MoreSomewhere along the timelines of life, someone told many of us that we weren’t quite good enough. Unfortunately in lots of cases, we believed them, and lost aspects of ourselves that were always great.
Read MoreI must admit to the fact that I so often live in the future. I will also admit that I can more often than not see the potential in others, whether they can or will reach it or not. It’s often got me into quite a bit of trouble.
Read MoreThis is the place to go ahead and grow, and keep growing. We are either growing or stagnating. Growing it way more fun and better for our health and mindsets.
Read MoreDuring the course of living a full interactive life, all of us will experience generosity on some or many levels. This is one of the best aspects of living here on this earth plane.
Read MoreI feel that the guidance and channeling that pours through me is mostly to help inspire me and all those lives that touch mine, to deliberately cause intentional change.
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