Bless Limitation - A Spiritual Story

This title is an interesting one, because we often think of blessings as large and limitations as small. Of course, there is some truth to both of these perceptions, and the lovely thing about perception, is that it can change and there’s always the potential of it becoming a greater reality. I will share with you that I see the blessing in limitations as another way of describing boundaries. We need boundaries in this life here on earth, because it’s another way of respecting ourselves. We live on a grid of the four corners and we live by a grid of time with the clock, so honoring time and space within those grids set here on earth, makes for a life that works in a more harmonious fashion.

Sometimes we have to bless someone’s limitations, even when they don’t work so well for us personally or professionally. It becomes a work around.

I remember the lady who was bought a gift certificate to come and see me, by a client who loved her time with me. She dropped the lady off at my home, where I was working at the time, and the lady stood staring at me very suspiciously, clutching her bag to her chest tightly. She wasn’t so happy to be with me, or to be offered this gift of healing. She would have rather been anywhere else, and her limits didn’t change at all. She didn’t let up. I accommodated her as best as I could, knowing that I couldn’t really reach her. Instead I blessed her limitations and wished it were different.

Sometimes we have to meet others where they are, without experiencing the fullness of the freedoms we know we can attain, with their permission. In her case, there was no permission at all. I did bless her, and honestly was glad when she left, knowing I wouldn’t have to meet her again. One of my human limitations has included being relieved when some of the doors of experiences and sometimes relationships behind me have closed, with no plans for them to be opened again.  

One of the best limitations I love as a huge blessing is within my own body, that tells me when I need to rest ( if I’m listening of course) or tells me when to eat, or exercise, or drink more fluids. I haven’t always been so great at hearing the body instead of the brain, which can be a trickster, with some of the lesser habits, that aren’t as healthy.

I love the limitations when I hear my inner voice yelling at me not to do something that isn’t good for me. These are all the blessed limitations we can all get behind.

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Love & Blessings,


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