Calm and Peaceful Center - A Spiritual Story

As a guide and healing light for myself and anyone who trusts me with their best and highest potential, it’s vital for me to constantly work with the most calm and peaceful attributes of my being. Sometimes it’s challenging, especially at those times when drivers get too close, in their hurry to get somewhere just a bit quicker than is safe.

That’s just one example and I have many more that if I allow it, becomes a thief, stealing away my calm and peaceful existence. Takes some practice!

In the work, however, it’s very much easier to hold that space for calm and peaceful interactions with each and every one of you who is deeply seeking your best, most gracious selves.

I have found the most grace to show up in a room where someone is transitioning from this physical life to the other realms. I used to doubt the reality of other realms, and have learned by so many times of being shown, that we exist beyond here. What a relief! That is so soothing and such a lovely knowing, particularly when life is at it’s toughest. Working in hospice and with the elderly for several years, taught me a great deal about faith, and how much more I will still never know while here in a physical body.

I learned a lot about life habits, good and not so good and about what made some peace filled, while others learned and expanded their being anxious all the time. Mostly it was the presence of the mind and how thoughts drew them in or caused them to be outside of themselves all the time. Drawing in was such a good aspect of creating calm and peace. It was easily observable.

I remember two sisters who were both losing their mum, who was my hospice patient/client. She was quite lovely for the first two weeks of me visiting her, and it seemed as though she shouldn’t even be in the system, because she was light and fun, energetic and looked healthy. Then the decline began to hit her hard, and she became less verbal, more bedridden, and her color and vitality was clearly draining away.

One daughter embraced the process, becoming more faith filled and open to the healing work I shared with her and her mum. The other sister avoided me and the reality she wasn’t facing with a passion. She was busy and moved faster than I’d ever see anyone move. The house was outrageously clean, she was so busy avoiding. My heart went out to both sisters, as they were each losing a great and beloved person. It is so easy at these times to lose our peace, calm and our center. It’s so tough to lose those we so adore. Nothing will fill that space that they took up in our lives.

Calm comes out of smiling upon the love we experienced, the moments shared, the feeling that this person touched us like no other. It’s what life is all about. To live and really love is worth everything, even with the losses we must naturally endure, just as eventually others will miss us deeply when it’s our turn to leave. Let’s stay calm and peaceful in the knowledge that this life is precious and worthy of our time and attention. Don’t rush through it, take the time to stop and appreciate it in a peaceful manner.

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Love & Blessings,


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