Posts in Flashback Fridays
Flashback Friday - ArchAngel Uriel - A Spiritual Story

ArchAngel Uriel is one of the major ArchAngels, recognized by all faiths. His name means “Fire of God” and he carries a book, a scroll and a flaming sword, a disc of the sun and a celestial orb, a disc of stars and constellations.

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Flashback Friday - The Golden Self - A Spiritual Story

Somewhere along the timelines of life, someone told many of us that we weren’t quite good enough. Unfortunately in lots of cases, we believed them, and lost aspects of ourselves that were always great.

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Flashback Friday - Growth - Spinach Artichoke Dip Recipe

Even though our little cottage has become quite a bit more Vegan than anything else, we still love to snack, especially on weekends, while being all cozy and watching great movies.

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Flashback Friday - Giving - A Video Message

This subject is all about generosity. Giving generously to ourselves and to others. Giving thanks particularly becomes a strong part of the fabric of American culture at Thanksgiving.

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Flashback Friday - New Beginnings - A Spiritual Story

I feel that the guidance and channeling that pours through me is mostly to help inspire me and all those lives that touch mine, to deliberately cause intentional change.

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Flashback Friday - Growth Video Message

Growing who we are and how we see, hear, feel and experience the World is what life is truly all about. Our own natural tree of life deserves to keep growing new leaves every day.

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Flashback Friday - Best Choices - A Spiritual Story

It’s always so helpful to illustrate “Best Choices” with stories of how this can impact us, based on real people who made decisions that positively improved their lives.

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Flashback Friday - You Make A Difference - A Spiritual Story

Let’s start with a huge confirmation of the fact that each and every one of us will make a difference in this life. Some of us leave behind more challenging, negative differences, while more of us make delightful, joyful differences in the lives of others.

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Flashback Friday - Guidance Video Message
Flashback Friday - Sweet Life Video Message

It’s completely in our hands to generate a sweet life. We must decide individually how to create that sweet and lovely life we can live. It’s up to each of us.

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Flashback Friday - Blossoming - A Spiritual Story

We deserve to keep planting until our wishes manifest to full bloom.

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Flashback Friday - Shiny and New - A Video Message

There are always new and shiny places within ourselves to visit and consider. Showing the world our reinvented self from those discoveries makes us shiny and new!

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Flashback Friday - Very Special Video Message

Every day is a worthy day to acknowledge the very special aspects of self and others. Remember how unique you truly are…..

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Flashback Friday - Loved, Cherished, Accepted Video Message

Feeling loved, cherished and accepted begins and completes with ourselves. It’s nowhere near enough to only ask these three wonderful acknowledgments from others, without having it live strongly within us.

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Flashback Friday - Patience - A Spiritual Story

When I look up the word “patience” it is described as the capacity to accept/tolerate without becoming angry or upset.

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Flashback Friday - Amazing Life - A Spiritual Story

What makes for an amazing life? Is it a life without struggle or is it how we overcome adversity and find our way out regardless of the challenges that show themselves?

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Flashback Friday - Connecting - A Spiritual Story

I love how sometimes a seemingly superficial connection shifts and becomes more important, deeper in substance.

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