Don't Look Back - A Spiritual Story

In so many of my conversations with so many of you delightful readers, I often invite you to only take moments to briefly reflect back, purely to claim the gifts and the joy, while continuing to look forward, keeping track of where you’re going, and all that you’re wishing for and all that you’re creating.

Many years ago, I held a healing center with a partner, who didn’t honestly want me in the business with her. She wanted my husband’s family inheritance money to help back and support her. She didn’t love all the training and certification I’d gathered, and almost from the day I arrived, she made it more than challenging for me to remain there with her. My gorgeous mum was on the front desk, observing all the crazy that happened there.

When it was time to go, my mum was the first to nod emphatically that it was indeed time to leave. We left with nowhere to go and nothing to do. We both simply went home. My precious mum and I took therapeutic walks together, every day talking, dreaming and sharing in each other’s company. Within time we found some wonderful community opportunities to involve ourselves with, and then more profound work found me. I began to teach massage at a massage school in Santa Barbara, which is a fabulous beach town. I felt really fortunate to move forward into something that changed my life forever. I also got to reach more lives who came to that school as students, and have remained in contact with a couple of them, who became some of the dearest friends I have ever had.

It would have been so easy to blame, point fingers, be the victim of poor behavior, and while that was all totally a truth, it simply wasn’t a truth that was very useful to my future. It wasn’t worth holding on to the story of injustice, and was instead far better to learn from it, discover what in me attracted that lesson into my field of energy exchange, and make sure I solved the puzzle, so that I didn’t have to ever repeat it in the same way again.

Some years later I had the opportunity to hold a new healing center and bring someone in to share it. I had the exact opposite experience in a mirror image from the one with the partner who didn’t want me. This partner had some odd issues and we were to part company for completely different reasons. I once again checked in, noticing it was a contrasting image from the first healing center. I solved the puzzle much quicker and moved forward in peace, within a much shorter time, and with less agonizing emotions around it.

I love creating forward and only glancing back to claim what’s mine, leaving that which isn’t at all mine, and never was, totally behind. I don’t waste time in this awesome life, looking back. There’s too much glorious joy in creating every single day, as we continue to move forward.

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Love & Blessings,


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