Deserving - A Spiritual Story

One of the aspects of guiding individuals to be their potential best, is that you notice certain patterns of humanity along the way. I have noticed that a human trait that pops up in a repetitive manner, is that many people don’t feel that they are deserving. That’s a story well worth dropping off the edge of a cliff, making it impossible to ever pick up again. The truth is we are each well deserving of whatever we can imagine into being, especially if in the process it causes a win-win situation, for ourselves and others.

While I was holding space in my healing center in Los Angeles, one of my regular clients traveled with her team, to Las Vegas, on a business convention. It had been a tough year for her, with bonuses being removed, and she had an old car, she couldn’t replace, due to cash flow challenges. She arranged to see everyone the next morning, and had the whole evening to settle into her room, plan her workload to meet the needs of her demanding bosses, and once done, she wandered into one of the casinos.

There was a special promotion, with a shiny red mustang convertible, turning slowly on a carpeted platform, inviting people to fill out a card to win it. She began to fill out a couple of cards, then walked over on a whim, and sat in it. She smelled the leather interior, placed her hands on the steering wheel, and altered the mirror to see out the back.

A man quickly approached her, asking her harshly to exit the vehicle, while he reset the alarm and locked the car. She watched him do that, telling the Universe thank you for showing her that she deserved the car she had just sat in and fully breathed into. Millions of individuals had filled in cards for the car, and she may have been the only one who had got away with actually sitting in it and making it hers. The announcement was going to be at the end of that day. She had to cancel her flight, call her insurance company and joyfully drive out of Las Vegas to Los Angeles. She had won that car.

Soon after she also found much better work, with advancement opportunities and greater pay. She was on a roll. The car was a huge turning point to remind her how deserving she really was. It began a roll toward deserving in all areas of her life.

We all deserve what we think, feel and allow ourselves to deserve. When we don’t dumb it down, it can be quite extraordinary, what we can ultimately create, as a result.

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Love & Blessings,


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