I live by that more than living in a state of needing to forgive those who had hurt my feelings, troubled me, caused me reason for pause. Now I love to stand in the emotions, inviting them to carry me forward into greater awareness and more understanding.
Read MoreThere are so many illustrations of being a grateful winner in this game of life we are all participating in.
Read MoreThose of us who do have access, and a much easier pathway toward a great life, are very fortunate indeed. I feel that for me, and most of you reading this, that a great life is not only possible, it’s also worth pursuing.
Read MoreI have met with such a variety of individuals along my own path of fulfillment, and of course, some of the people have shown me a lit way of being toward their own great full lifestyles.
Read MoreWe are each more receptive to kind words spoken toward us, rather than harsh ones. I have witnessed equal parts of both realities, both personally and as an observer.
Read MoreThis title always will remind me of my beloved mum. When I would say often to her, “I love you.” Her comeback was always “I love you more.”
Read MoreThis is a definite subject for Jeff to speak to…… He is the King of Perseverance. He has patience, willingness to keep going, never giving up and when something is well worth pursuing, he is like a dog with a bone. He doesn’t let go. He really doesn’t.
Read MoreThis is a most interesting word to explore during a whole lifetime, and certainly being connected, in a relationship is an excellent reason to even exist here on planet earth.
Read MoreI am opening a sharing that is one of my all-time favorites. If I’ve told it before, it’s that good, so you may not mind hearing it again………
Read MoreThere aren’t too many gifts we can give ourselves, that are any bigger than the one of being honest with ourselves
Read MoreWhen we lose someone so close to our hearts, it’s almost unimaginable that we can pick ourselves up and continue in this life at all. That’s the tough aspect of having experienced the greatest and most eternal love.
Read MoreI’ve spent way too much time mentioning to myself and anyone listening, how much healthier I could be. I don’t do this anymore. I’ve worked hard and smart at putting the critic away, and instead, breaking out in applause for my own efforts.
Read MoreMy own awakening continues to occur, although there was my personal version of the “big bang theory” that I may have shared over the years, and feel drawn to sharing again here and now…
Read MoreOoh - this is a favorite topic of mine, and one I am always ready to do more, learn more, be more on my own self-mastery journey of discovery.
Read MoreThis newsletter has the possibility of holding the energy of relaying that greatest of greats - wisdom and kindness.
Read MoreThere have been some really on the edge parts of my life, and those were where I had to take the advice of an honest tough love girlfriend, and pull up my big girl panties, to simply get on with it.
Read MoreAttempting to be perfect in every way, isn’t one of my things. I don’t need or want to meet the brief of being perfect. I accept and love me just as I am and especially in who I am constantly becoming.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff determine that kindness begins with what and how we think. The words and actions that follow, start with where our thoughts are.
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