Perfect - A Spiritual Story

Attempting to be perfect in every way, isn’t one of my things. I don’t need or want to meet the brief of being perfect. I accept and love me just as I am and especially in who I am constantly becoming.

I have however, experienced perfect moments, and if there is enough of them, in bite sized pieces, perhaps life really is perfect after all.

I am sure each of you, our delightful readers, have at the very least witnessed, and at the best, experienced perfect moments.

Mine have been really diverse. Some perfect moments occurred at the best of times, while others happened at the worst of times.

For many years, in my early days of healing work, I had worked within the realms of hospice. I felt like the Angel of death, yet never saw anyone actually pass away from here. I asked my guides what was up with that, and they simply told me that my first real passing was to be one that would mean a great deal to me. It had to be a very close relationship. I knew who it was going to be.

My husband was 25 years my senior, and while healthy, athletic, trim and a coach of several sports, he wasn’t getting any younger. He was checking his blood because of a disorder in his male genetic background, and with a crazy reversal, he was diagnosed with leukemia. The Dr told him he had 2 years left to live life. He as really angry, and wasn’t so easy to live with during the first year of treatments. I’m not the most patient person and I wasn’t at my best with his diagnosis either. He threatened with his children being better than I and finally he left to go spend precious time with them. I had very mixed feelings.

However, one of my most perfect moments and times took place in a hospital, in Boston, New England, while my husband was preparing to leave this earthly plane.

It was his last day on earth. We had spent almost an entire year apart, while he completed an important part of his life journey with his children and grandchildren. They all judged me, and I shrugged because I knew there was greater value in him completing what he needed with them, than spending time with me, which neither of us had to do, because all was well with us emotionally and spiritually.

He flew in and we went straight to the hospital, upon his request. I could see he was doing really poorly, looking grey and very ill. He was already terminal with leukemia, and his whole constitution was closing down. He had literally come home to me, for me to help him pass. It was more than an honor, it was also daunting and very sad. I’d thought we had more time and he was all out. He asked me to help him call in his family that had already passed, and I shared some ideas of how to create that. He did and had much success. He was already met by his parents and brother. The peace he felt was tremendous.

I also sneaked in last meals, like a visitor to a terminal prisoner. He had fall apart ribs, lemon meringue pie, creamy coffees and chocolate cake. Whatever his heart desired, myself and my nurse friend would sneak in without nurses seeing, because it was very much against their rules. I wasn’t going to let him eat jello and the worst hospital food imaginable. He loved every bite, and even if it killed him, at least his belly would be happy in his last week. I would break those rules again every time.

His last day, I had each of his four adult children call him, while he was breathing under a mask, and doses of morphine were increasing to allow his physical body greater comfort while he prepared to leave. His children wept, blessed him, prayed over him, and said goodbye. I then unwound each of his energetic centers, and called in all the Angels. They floated above him, while I invited him to leave and go with them.

His eyes had been closed all day, and suddenly they opened, he looked out and then up, directly at the Angels I could see so clearly, and took his last breath.

Although I discovered a terrible unraveling of my own good financial fortune with his passage, that day was one of the most perfect days of my whole existence. The whole of that sweet man was sent on his way, and my whole heart knew I did a great service.

It was one of the worst perfect days of my life.

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Love & Blessings,


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