In this video Jeff and Ruth share a couple of good methods to clear your field of energy. They also let us know why this is helpful to keep our lives our own, without vibrational interference from other people.
Read MoreWhen I have been invited to help individuals to clear their fields from some of the many stories they’ve willingly or unconsciously taken on, all we’ve needed to do our best work, is the permission to move the energy.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreWhenever we have a challenge to face in life, it’s a great idea to consider it an opportunity for us to grow and become a better version of ourselves.
Read MoreLife can be a great, overwhelming challenge, and yet each of us has already accepted it, because we’re here, on this crazy earth plane.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share how they keep a calm home and are always taking the time to create a peaceful center, both in their beings and wherever they go.
Read MoreAs a guide and healing light for myself and anyone who trusts me with their best and highest potential, it’s vital for me to constantly work with the most calm and peaceful attributes of my being.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff discuss how limitations, when they show up, are helpful to first recognize. Then the best thing is when we can navigate life to move us beyond those blessed limitations.
Read MoreWe need boundaries in this life here on earth, because it’s another way of respecting ourselves. We live on a grid of the four corners and we live by a grid of time with the clock, so honoring time and space within those grids set here on earth, makes for a life that works in a more harmonious fashion.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth lightly help each of us to shine brightly and allow ourselves to be the star we are. It’s often easier to see the wonderful in others and ignore the brilliance of ourselves. Today, remember you are a star in the Universe that shines brightly in a unique, only you sort of way.
Read MoreAny of you delightful readers will know by now that I see each and every one of you as a star, even if you don’t always. I appreciate you so much. Thanks for being you!
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreArchAngel Uriel is one of the major ArchAngels, recognized by all faiths. His name means “Fire of God” and he carries a book, a scroll and a flaming sword, a disc of the sun and a celestial orb, a disc of stars and constellations.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff remind us that there is always Angelic help. It’s easy to become busy with everyday life, and forget to ask for that precious help. This is a gentle nudge to keep the daily requests coming to your Angels and ArchAngels for assistance.
Read MoreI’m sure we’ve all read many wonderful, inspiring stories of receiving help from the Angelic realm. I love all those stories, almost as much as the ones I’ve experienced throughout the 30 plus years of showing up in this extraordinary, sacred work.
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