In this video Jeff & Ruth talk about being happy as our natural state of being and that the key to manifestation is to just be happy and vibrate at that higher frequency and watch the magic flow into your life.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth talk about the importance of taking care of yourself first on all levels so you are running at full capacity and are better able to serve from a strong and stable foundation.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff & Ruth talk about trusting that what you are manifesting is on its way and that you need to trust and vibrate at the frequency equal to the desire that is unfolding.
Read MoreTrust is an extraordinary word that covers so many areas of experience during the course of a lifetime. We sometimes have to learn to trust ourselves, especially if and when we’ve made choices we regret afterwards.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff & Ruth discuss the temporary nature of the reality that we create as points of consciousness inhabiting this material body and the importance that we place on living and gathering material aspects to make us happy on this experience.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth talk about the importance of taking care of yourself so that you have the capacity to take care of others. The fundamental energetics of balance in one’s daily life.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss the concept of raising your frequency to attain higher vibrational states of being so you can live a “lighter” life on this plain.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss the importance of developing a strategic approach to creating a dream life. They offer some suggestions as to what components are important in this process.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff speak about the importance of looking within and being self aware. They speak about affecting change from within instead of looking outside of themselves for the world to change.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff remind us that there is always Higher Guidance. It’s easy to become busy with everyday life, and forget to ask for that precious help. This is a gentle nudge to keep the daily requests coming to your Angels and ArchAngels for assistance.
Read MoreIn this video, Jeff and Ruth discuss this deep, expanding subject matter. They share that a life committed to shining their Golden Self for anyone who chooses to live it in that manner, is a more profound life, well lived, for anyone and everyone concerned.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff speak about the values of evolution and encouraging everyone to continue pushing forward and striving for better and better in every way!
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff remind us that we are so dearly beloved by Divine. They remind us that we only have to imagine that much love and allow it to come in and be our constant companion through life.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth talk about the inevitable aspect of life which is that even if we are standing still or feeling in any way stuck, the earth will rotate and change will occur.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff discuss how important it is to create alignment with the laws of the universe. In this way balance is then made in all areas of our lives.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth delight in sharing with you that they have been developing their fields of energy to take in an amazing life to live, and they are inspiring you to go get yours.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff lightheartedly discuss using our super powers with our true abilities to take better care of ourselves as a direct result and to create a better life for ourselves.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth talk about how love and kindness need to become a grassroots perspective which will then have a positive impact on the overall world view.
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