Belief to Knowing Recipe - Beet Blue Sorbet

Eating water based foods I am discovering, since we are humanly made up of mostly water, is a really good, healthy idea. Eating dessert seems like an experience ( certainly my truth) that I and many people I know would not wish to give up.

This recipe says it’s ok to eat dessert, and that makes me happy…….


  •  1 cup Beetroot, peeled and chopped

  • 1/2 cup blueberries

  • 1 cup Agave Nectar

  • 3 Tablespoons Lemon Juice


  • Take the skinless, chopped beets and place them in a covered pot, only just covered with water.

  • Bring them to a boil and test with a skewer that they are soft

  • Then bring the heat to a lower simmer and add the blueberries

  • Uncover the pot, continue to cook, making sure water still covers the produce

  • Remove from heat

  • Drain produce and set aside 2 cups of beet water, discard the rest

  • Place the produce, the 2 cups of beet water, the agave nectar and the lemon juice in a vitamix

  • Blend to smooth

  • Taste and adjust to sweeter or more tart

  • Pour into shallow dish and chill for 1 hour

  • Transfer to a covered dish and freeze overnight.


Please share, in the comments section below, your versions of this recipe or just your favorite healthy creation!! It often helps us all when we can read and relate the experiences of others to our own. It can provide the keys to unlocking our hidden abilities to activate change in our own lives!!

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Love & Blessings,


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