Inspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff have fun with speaking of wishes and how they are always taking time to dream and scheme.
Read MoreI hope each of us has wishes, and many of them. I also hope that when and if they haven’t come true yet, this doesn’t create a spiral downward, into a lack of hope, where we are then dealing with loss.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video, Ruth and Jeff share what being connected to nature means to each of them. They invite you to find your place in natural surroundings, and not only what it can do for your natural rhythm, also what you can do to be honoring of nature.
Read MoreWe are very much a part of our natural surroundings, and so not stepping into it, with intention, removes a large part of our authentic selves. I don’t feel we can truly afford to do that anymore.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreI love, love, love being on a healing journey. Advancing my knowledge of me and what brings me the greatest joy, is what keeps this trip to earth as vital and valuable for me.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreThe word all on its own illustrates a certain sacred state of being. We consider a dog as a “faithful companion” and there are many areas where we would place this word to cover a multitude of circumstances.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff discuss how our choices are ultimately our own responsibility. Therefore, it’s important that we be as mindful, and deliberate in all the choices we make. They suggest we take out the “I have to” and replace it with “I get to, or I choose to.” When we know this life is made up of so many of our choices, we can be intentional about each one.
Read MoreOver a span of living a life, large or small, we each have the options of choosing well, where possible. I have not always chosen so well for myself.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share their ideas on prayer and meditation. They talk about some of the differences between when we are in prayer and when we are in a meditative state of being. They discuss the value of each and how we can use both in our daily lives.
Read MoreI also asked the questions, and sat with the difference for me between prayer and meditation. I asked guides and Angelic messengers to clearly show me a manner of describing each for my own interest.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video series Ruth and Jeff talk about the value of the space between the lines on our earthly grid system. It’s our greatest mission to create room to be creative, to grow and to think and feel beyond and between the usual lines of this lifetime.
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