I feel that the guidance and channeling that pours through me is mostly to help inspire me and all those lives that touch mine, to deliberately cause intentional change.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff share how each one of us is a light that needs to shine here on earth. We each have light within us and the more we shine, the greater the impact we can have on the life we live, and the lives we touch.
Read MoreThe weekend was intense, with hours of massage, blindfolded, and powerful sessions for each of us, then group meals, and nature walks, and even swims in the pond. A level was reached when there was a tipping point energetically.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreGrowing who we are and how we see, hear, feel and experience the World is what life is truly all about. Our own natural tree of life deserves to keep growing new leaves every day.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss expanding both spiritually and creating new horizons. We are either stagnating or creating. Expansion is all about creativity.
Read MoreI am committed to expanding, for the rest of my life here on earth, and of course beyond this grid system. I can be a little obsessed with personal growth and expansion.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIt’s always so helpful to illustrate “Best Choices” with stories of how this can impact us, based on real people who made decisions that positively improved their lives.
Read MoreFear is the opposite to love. We get to choose where we stand, what we believe, and how we wish to live. Some of us spend so much of life in fear of one thing or another, while others live life mostly in a space of love.
Read MoreMost of us have at one point or another brushed with fear. In many cases, our fabulous ego has kept us safe, with a mere warning of danger lurking ahead. Those feelings and senses are always worth listening to.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff make mention of how they call in the messengers and guides. There are many different messengers for each of us, and often how the messengers deliver messages and guidance to us, is through one another.
Read MoreThis is more often than not where messengers find me, and where I’m in a space to listen and really hear them.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreLet’s start with a huge confirmation of the fact that each and every one of us will make a difference in this life. Some of us leave behind more challenging, negative differences, while more of us make delightful, joyful differences in the lives of others.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss the joys of feeling as though they are making a difference in our World.
Read MoreWhen it comes to being on purpose, simply making a difference in someone else’s existence is purpose enough, and good enough reason to show up on this planet.
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