Making Differences - A Spiritual Story

When it comes to being on purpose, simply making a difference in someone else’s existence is purpose enough, and good enough reason to show up on this planet.

I love the fact that I know this. I love the fact that you do too.

Some of the biggest differences I’ve made to others and they’ve made to me, have shown up as inclusive realities. When I’ve been invited to share with others, break bread, feel loved by them, it’s deeply touched me. We all wish to belong and these times have allowed me to feel valued by the World around me. We are extraordinarily valuable, and so it’s lovely when this is confirmed.

I’ve received the greatest acknowledgment from you, when you have felt seen and heard by not only me, also by the guidance from Divine.

One of my sweet stories happened while I provided totally affordable massage in a dripping, steamy room off the pool at one of Southern California’s YMCA.

The first client was a tough, matter of fact, unemotional woman, who had signed up for a session, had heard about my spiritual work, and especially asked that I do a straight massage, and none of that weird, woo woo stuff please. While she undressed and climbed on to the table, I stood outside and called in help to make whatever difference I could to her life, without stepping out of the boundaries she had set.

I stepped back in and simply loved her for an hour. I poured all the love and kindness into every muscle and through her skin, right down to her bones. She lay there silently weeping, while I worked without a word. I felt tears behind my own eyes and simply worked until we were complete. I thanked her and left the room.

When I got outside, I was a little overcome. I gently wiped my tears while waiting for her to come out of the room. She came out and immediately threw herself into my arms. She wept and spoke through the tears. She whispered into my ears, that she had been healing from a double mastectomy and had felt that Divine (God in her words) had forgotten her and moved on to more deserving other people. She shut off and stopped going to temple or lighting her sabbath candles.

In the session she felt the presence of Divine (God) inviting her back, telling her that her life continued. She had a whole conversation, while I worked. It was a private session for her and her maker. It had nothing to do with my experience. I was simply loving her.

She told me she was going to light candles again and that she realized she was connected and loved. She left tearful and at peace. I was stunned.

She felt Divine had noticed and loved her. She experienced the difference and I felt touched by her Divine experience.

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Love & Blessings,


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