Doorways - Wedge Salad Recipe

Salad has become one of my all-time favorite go to meals, which is funny since I grew up in the UK where a vegetable I ate the most, were French fries. I’m grateful that I eat more consciously these days, with the wish for a longer, healthier future as a direct result.

This salad is easy, vegetarian (easy vegan too) and looks great for guests too.



  • 1 whole iceberg lettuce cut in half

  • 1 1/2 cups Vegan Mayonnaise

  • 1/2 cup fresh minced dill

  • 1/2 cup fresh minced cilantro

  • Black pepper and chill lime sea salt to taste

  • 1 cup vegan unflavored yoghurt

  • 1/2 cup soy bacon sprinkles

  • 1/2 cup pecans halved

  • 1/4 cup agave syrup

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1/4 cup salad topper (Costco)



  • Mix the Vegan Mayonnaise with the unflavored yoghurt

  • Add the minced dill and cilantro

  • Add pepper and salt to taste

  • Cool

  • In a pan, brown and gently caramelize pecans, agave and water on medium to high heat

  • Cool nuts

  • Serve 1/2 wedge with bacon sprinkled on top

  • Sprinkle pecans

  • Sprinkle generously with dressing

  • Sprinkle with salad topper


 Please share, in the comments section below, your versions of this recipe or just your favorite healthy creation!! It often helps us all when we can read and relate the experiences of others to our own. It can provide the keys to unlocking our hidden abilities to activate change in our own lives!!

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Love & Blessings,


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