Life and Death Scalloped Potatoes Recipe


There are some foods in life that are quite decadent and worth the slightly extra calories they bring. However, I’ve been enjoying finding healthier versions of these and this is one of them.

This dish will go with roasted veggies, tofu, fish or meat. I have tended to serve these with fish and a side of salad.


  • 6 potatoes, peeled, part boiled and sliced into thin rounds

  • 1 tin coconut cream

  • 4 cloves garlic minced

  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley minced

  • 1/4 cup fresh rosemary minced

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • smart balance to line dish


  • Take a dish and line it with the butter

  • Add a small amount of coconut cream to the bottom

  • Place one layer of potato to fill the bottom

  • Add some garlic sprinkled

  • Add some parsley sprinkled

  • Add some rosemary sprinkled

  • place some of the coconut cream on top

  • sprinkle salt and pepper on top

  • Repeat the layering process until all the potatoes are used

  • Bake in a preheated oven at 325 until golden (usually 1-2 hour)

  • Keep checking until ready.

  • Serve with something that makes you smile.

Please share, in the comments section below, your versions of this recipe or just your favorite healthy creation!! It often helps us all when we can read and relate the experiences of others to our own. It can provide the keys to unlocking our hidden abilities to activate change in our own lives!!

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Love & Blessings,


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