Self Aware - Meaty Stories With Actors

One of my clients was so self aware, and had the most wonderful acting career, as well as leading very successful actor’s workshops. She was an inspiration and a healing light especially in the way she taught actors. She is still a wonderful actress and inspiration. It’s a pleasure to continue to hear from her and some of her tribe of talented actors, producers and directors every so often.

I was always really happy to know her and it delighted me when she made a point of ensuring as many of her actors went through her classes and mine as possible. I was generously included in her workshops, events and she sent me many people privately to personally help them. It was such a pure pleasure to work with her and her talented and colorful students.

Many of the actors were focused on receiving awards and recognition.  They were more interested in that than they were in perfecting and more importantly, enjoying their craft. Acting is creativity in action. It’s also a healing modality, as we get to dress up as other people and step into that persona, to express from behind different characters and personalities. It’s like playing in different media as an artist, who draws, paints, sculpts and so on. The difference in being great at anything, is the practice and the intention around it. Many of my actors and actresses, directors and producers had the mindset that there was a degree that decided upon what success looked like. It seemed like it was an emmy or oscar or some form of acknowledgment from their peers. This of course, isn’t the whole truth, even though it may appear as the real deal. So, life isn’t a destination or a piece of metal that sits gathering dust on a shelf. It’s about the experience and practice of expanded expression that helps us to develop whatever practice we have in becoming better and eventually us being at our best.

One of the actors was like a Greek God. He was really beautiful and when he came in to see me, everyone swooned. It was really funny to watch. I didn’t see him in that way - yes he was gorgeous, but he had a meaty story just like everyone else, that needed to be addressed and helped. He was stuck and couldn’t land any work to save his life. He was frustrated as people stopped in their tracks simply at his physical beauty, and he felt it was totally superficial and worthless, if he couldn’t use it to claim his talents in television and film media. He had a very successful business that didn’t satisfy his talents at all.

He owned and operated three very busy coffee shops, around affluent Los Angeles areas and was wealthy as a result, but practically rolled his eyes at this success as it wasn’t the one his heart desired.

He was unsure of his talent, fairly unaware of his gorgeous looks and needed to get in contact with his inner self to find out what he was made of. My job was to help remind him of his glorious interior so that he could access it when he needed to step into the limelight. He began meditating and visualizing using his acting and depth to share his expressions. He also had to leave the surface Mr. Gorgeous and allow himself to be more than the superficial beauty he had been presenting. Our methods began to materialize, and he started to land the real work he wanted. I didn’t hear from him for a long time and I was excited about that. He unfortunately defaulted back to his original uncertain self, and returned to me briefly for a session to gain a reminder of what he had finally found, and the energy moved quickly. I haven’t seen him since. I love that!! I’m assuming he is very successful at the true pursuits of his heart. I hope so.

So often we aren’t in contact with the great meat on our bones, the depth of our possibilities and our character. No matter how glorious the surface is, we must remember the greater truth of who we are and what we are capable of within.

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