Dumping and Awareness - A Spiritual Story

Awareness is important for all and any of us. Many of the dramas that were never ours can easily impact us on a negative wave if we allow them or even worse, invite them in mindlessly.

Even with all the years of training and self-reflective work, I still act mindlessly at times (hopefully a bunch less these days) and I’m not delighted when this happens, except for the contrast reminds me how wonderful it is to be open to the desire to keep doing better and becoming a better daily version of me. I learn so much when I get it wrong, and learn quickly from it. I prefer, however to get it right without needing to self-correct.

Here’s what I feel is a great story about a true energetic exchange that taught me more about awareness than I can even express………………

I was a member of a new and shiny toastmaster group when I lived in the horse and wine country, just North of the gorgeous Santa Barbara area of Southern California. My husband, mum and I were helping with the organization of a Statewide speaking contest.

I began at the welcoming desk, taking small entrance payment from each person (including us) to pay for the hotel and conference room. A man entered and was openly angry when he realized he was expected to pay, even though he was due to announce the winners and act as a public host for the whole event. I tried to explain that we had all paid and that water and refreshments were included in the day. He threw his check at me and stormed off.

Later on I was given the task of sorting and handing the certificates in the order that the Master of Ceremonies would deliver. I was very careful to place each certificate as they would be handed to the recipient.

When the time came, the “angry man” quietly moved each and every certificate out of order, and then when he was handing them out, he publicly ridiculed me as the person who couldn’t place the winners in the right order and he would have to do it himself.

I watched the whole thing play out as the second part of his energetic attack, that happened to be directed at me. I was more than mad, with energetic steam coming out of my ears. My mum also watched the whole thing, following me into the restroom, where I held onto the wooden door frame, to ground and remove my trembling angry energy response. I had taken on his anger. I needed to breathe it away and release it. This wasn’t mine.

My mum reminded me to breathe and hugged me with her sweet love.

I walked into the room and gave it back to the angry man. I walked right up to him and placed my hand in a stop sign mode. I let him know I had placed each certificate in order and not only had he moved each one out of its right order, he had then publicly blamed me, diminishing what I had created and shamed me out loud. I didn’t appreciate it and I told him so.

Within a couple of weeks I was invited to speak at a professional holistic meeting about aromatherapy relating to emotions. I had all my blends, diagrams, and notes. Just as I was leaving home, I was instructed by strong guidance to make a calming oil blend to dissipate anger. I did this fast and took it with me.

When my beloved mum and I entered the room, everyone began to seat themselves. My mum nodded at me as she sat down. She intentionally seated herself right next to a familiar face. It was the “angry man” from the speaking event. I changed my whole presentation and it gradually led to speaking to anger and how to lessen it. It was such a channeled talk. I was barely in the room, breaking out in chills, with tears of humble grace at the back of my eyes. I loved every moment and my mum sat with love and pride reflecting at me, cheering my humanity on, while my spirit was flying ahead of the game. Afterwards the “angry man” came up to me, held my hand and thanked me with watery eyes. He let me know this had helped him with his own challenges. I felt such love and compassion wash over me for him. I learned so much about energetic dumping from him and even more about love and awareness as a direct result.

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