
Communication is such a funny thing. Some of us think we did and some of us know we didn’t actually communicate fully. Just because we think it happened doesn’t mean it actually did.

For instance, when mercury goes into retrograde (which happens more often than most of us would like) it feels like treading molasses, especially with plugged in information in the super communication highway of online connectivity. Actually, when mercury goes into retrograde, it’s not that everything stops, it’s just that it slows down so much, compared to our usual, generally frenetic Worldly pace, it seems as though we are actually going backwards. We simply have to adjust and sometimes that’s a bit challenging, when we are used to going at a certain speed and with great deliberation and focus.

So many times misunderstandings occur because we didn’t listen well or at all. Often we misinterpreted a truth and twisted it to fit what was already in our field of what we had decided or created and we squash new information to fit what we want it to be instead of what it actually is. We have mostly all done this and we are getting a lot better at listening, asking rather than interpreting and making sure our understanding is correct. Well done us!

Asking questions is vital in real communication. It alleviates misunderstanding or poor interpretation. Being curious enough to engage with a listening ear is also an act of care and consideration for each other. Our World gets better when its inhabitants listen and then speak from a point of engagement rather than a blind observation with a singular viewpoint, that usually doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

I have many examples of communication that was good and the same amount when it was poor. Of course, it’s wonderful when it’s good and not anywhere near as much fun when poorly given.

There are degrees from Universities on communication and yet many of the people taking the courses, don’t necessarily practice it in their everyday lives. I suppose it’s like a surgeon who doesn’t cut anyone open unless they need to. Perhaps we only communicate properly when its urgent to do so.

Sometimes we are so tuned into each other that non verbal communication happens in amazing ways that seem almost magical. I have a couple of stories that illustrate the differences in communication.

One day I collected my my son from school. He was really quiet and very obviously upset. As a freshman he had walked to his high school on his usual path and on this particular day he was bullied by a bunch of seniors. They had humiliated him as a group, showing off and flexing their muscles with him as a single kid who could do nothing to stop them.

He was powerless and had shame around it. I was pretty angry and asked if we could drive past the house where the seniors did this. He pointed very deliberately to the house and I took him home to complete his homework. My mother was there to oversee his work, while I drove to the house and boldly walked up to the front door and knocked. A gum chewing woman answered with truck loads of attitude. I told her what had occurred that morning and she shrugged her shoulders, telling me she couldn’t prove they did this and anyway it was between the boys, as she shut the door on me.

I couldn’t walk away. I knocked again. I simply asked her to speak to the boys and ask them to not gang up on my son again as I wanted him to be able to walk to school without feeling scared. She agreed and apologized if they had done what I just suggesting had happened. I was complete and left knowing I had communicated what I wanted.

Still, I had my son walk a different path just to make sure this couldn’t happen again.

On the reverse spectrum of communication, my life partner and I very often have dialogue without words, completing thoughts with each other as one mind, which is truly magical and sweet. It’s also very useful to be on the same wavelength.

Please share, in the comments section below, your experiences and stories below as to how you, or people in your life, have overcome obstacles in communication to raise the level of understanding between you and another. It often helps us all when we can read and relate the experiences of others to our own. It can provide the keys to unlocking our hidden abilities to activate change in our own lives!!

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Love & Blessings,

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