Making Magical Honeycomb

I love this simple and easy recipe……’s like magic and you have to stay with it, it changes really fast, so it’s not a recipe you can leave and go do anything else.

 It’s like a mad science experiment and I think it’s so much fun…………great to top a mousse, panna cotta, cake or ice cream or anything that does well with a yummy sweet crunch.

You can use monk fruit and agave for a more natural low sugar version.

 You will need a silpat mat to bake it on.


  •  2 cups syrup

  •  2 cups fine sugar

  •  3  3/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda


  •  Heat syrup and sugar until it reaches 149’

  • Put bicarb of soda in and be quick to pour into the silpat tray.

  • within 1/2 hour it will be cool enough to store in a lidded container in a cool environment.

This is a great one to make with the kids!! It really gets their attention!! Enjoy the decadence of this very simple, very delicious desert!! If you have variations of a favorite coating or what dessert you’ve topped with this recipe that you would like to share, please share in the comments section below so we can all benefit from our community!!

Love and Blessings,

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