In this video Ruth and Jeff talk about how shifts happen, whether we want it or not. They discuss how writing, speaking aloud and creating helps shift to occur in profound ways.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff make mention of the fact that each and every one of us is a one-of-a-kind being, where no comparisons are possible. They discuss the uniqueness that makes you a gift to our world.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss those moments that raise our vibration to its true state of being. They talk about the “Sartori moments” and those times when we have “Aha” understandings.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share in the many different ways to measure personal success. They talk about the fact that one person’s success is entirely different than someone else’s.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff talk about how important self-care is, and that it’s especially vital during those times in our lives when we are taking care of someone else.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share how flexibility is a good idea, with controls being appropriate in some areas of life, especially where our safety is concerned.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss how puzzle pieces in life create the ideals and this leads to a perfect fit, which is also in constant change with the years that we live.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff share in the uncovering of the natural wisdom that we each have within us. They do it in a light-hearted way, to inspire you to uncover yours.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff share how much it reaches them to be involved in deliberately making a difference with each other and in everyday life with all and any interactions.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss how to project our lives onto the screen of desire, to manifest our choices and to touch and improve the lives around us as well.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth highlight the importance of being able to look at our image in the mirror, sleep at night and be face to face with our own integrity and truth.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss the concept of seeking our highest good by using the idea of the universe as the manufacturer of all that we need, and our higher self as the wholesaler, allowing us to be the retailer in life.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff share in a light-hearted way, to remind you to seek the good within yourself and it makes it easier to then find the good in all things and in others.
Read MoreIn this video, Jeff and Ruth describe the emotions of feeling worthy. They talk about the ‘E-Motion’ of energy in motion, to drive the vehicle of our value forward.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss making space for the allowance of a deliberate, unfolding expression, as the co-creators and co-designers of our divine design in this life.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share how to call in the shiny and bright loving support to help us each to shine our light more brightly, toward a bright life filled with more love.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff remind us of the protection, support and communication that are such a strength in calling in ArchAngel Michael, to help us in our daily lives.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff discuss the importance of having desires, and that using discernment helps to choose which desires can turn easily into the best opportunities.
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