In this video Jeff and Ruth remind us that life is a flow of both challenges and blessings, and that not all challenges are difficult. Some challenges help us to be a better version of ourselves.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth remind us that we are already worthy and valuable, and that it’s worth remembering who we truly are and to value ourselves.
Read MoreIn this video, Jeff and Ruth happily describe what they find wonderful about life, each other, and that ordinary daily experiences can be very special with the right focus.
Read MoreIn this video, Ruth and Jeff discuss how they have learned to be more gentle with themselves, and how they are mindful of what gentleness means to one another. They especially focus on tender subject matters, and the times when life has challenged them to be extra gentle and sweet with each other, during those times.
Read Moren this video, Ruth and Jeff discuss how to create joy in daily life, which then leads to an enriched experience, affecting everything we engage in.
Read MoreThe emotion of feeling grateful creates a confidence that turns the wheels of desire toward a winning reality. We each have the ability to become grateful winners.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth share how they choose their great life every single day. They discuss how life is a constant and ongoing choice.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth discuss what is fulfilling for each other, individually and collectively. They each have gifts they are constantly unraveling and discovering, and then there’s a sweet overlap when their gifts coincide.
Read MoreHow we use our words, tone and communication, sets the stage of life for what we create as our reality. Can we all be a little kinder? I hope so.
Read MoreIn this video, Ruth and Jeff pay homage to the saying that is such a solid part of their own daily lives. This also relates to Ruth’s relationship and beloved connection to her mother, that has now also passed on this earth plane between her and Jeff.
Read MoreIn this video, Ruth and Jeff discuss how important and valuable perseverance is. There are many areas of life that we need to hold our center strong.
Read MoreIn this video, Jeff and Ruth recognize that our story of life is in constant, dynamic flow of alteration. We are here to keep our energy moving, changing and improving our stories to become a better truth, a greater experience, that we each deserve to have.
Read MoreIn this video, Ruth and Jeff explore how they are showing up in relationship with themselves, each other and all others they meet. We are all in relationship, even with simply just us.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth invite each of us to remember who we truly are. We are so much more than the bodies, minds and hearts we are currently living within. It’s our job to continue to allow ourselves to remember our massive energetic values, and that our essence is greater than the sum of our parts.
Read MoreOur real truths don’t have to always be completely and fully shared with others. They are most often for us to know within ourselves. Our truth does set us free.
Read MoreTo love is to really live and to be in faith of our own eternal light, is to live with depth and courage.
Read MoreIn this video Jeff and Ruth hit upon the connective tissue of happiness and good health, not as two separate topics of human interest.
Read MoreIn this video Ruth and Jeff have fun while discussing what a fresh wake-up call feels and looks like. In these days of emerging, we are all waking up, at our individual and mass awareness levels. It’s exciting to be alive in these days of new beginnings and fresh awakening.
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