The Good in You - A Spiritual Story

Of course seeing the good in ourselves and in one another is a valuable way to live life, whenever we can. I’m always up for this behavior, and sometimes challenge myself to stand in this reality, even if I have to fake it until I make it some days. It’s especially difficult when someone is angry with you, or chooses to be disgruntled or comes after you.

I remember during the pandemic when I was providing readings on my outdoor patio. It was a really safe space, because seating was open at a round table, where we had room to literally breathe, and very few people sat with masks on, while we shared some sweet unfolding and memorable moments.

The readings are often a gift as they bring out the best in me, while standing in the energetic field of the best of the person I’m reading for. Two women came to see me, one sat with a notepad while the first one was read. She was combative, angry, sitting with arms folded and staring at me, letting me know that no matter what I was guided to tell her, that I was wrong.

The information wasn’t anything bad, or negative, it was designed to help her form a new perspective. She wasn’t having any of it. It was a really tough reading, resulting in her slamming her payment down on my patio table, storming off and sitting in her car. Her friend then had her reading, and she could see that I was a bit shaken up. She placed her hand on mine, telling me that everything that was spoken to her friend was true and accurate. She let me know that her friend had been in a really annoyed space and was letting it out on our session.

She had written notes that would be immensely helpful later in the day, when she felt she would be able to reach her friend. Her reading was wonderful. She was open, bubbly and receptive. It was such a stark contrast to go from the depths of challenge to the heights of joy. I loved every last second of that reading and she hugged me a long time when we were complete, thanking me for my patience with her troubled friend.

I could honestly see the good in each of the women, however, one of them was much easier to enjoy than the other, who provided no joy and only challenge. In order to live a good life we deserve to be open to the good in us and stay open to the good there is for us from all others.

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Love & Blessings,


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