Dream Life Newsletter

It’s a wonderful habit to generate a mantra that affirms and confirms your dreams and desires on a daily basis. I have found that creating deliberate sacred rituals at the beginning and end of the day helps to center my energy field, and maintains for me that even if I’ve served well it’s still my journey that I’m on.

When we repeat affirming words into the atmosphere we send out messages to call in what we are wishing to create. It’s easy to forget that we are such powerful co-creators of the reality we are experiencing.Life isn’t happening to us and is rather happening through us. We are actually the responsible party to the truths we face, and taking responsibility and being accountable for our own lives as we help turn the page over in the unfoldment, is empowering.

So, what kind of mantras will work to support and manifest our highest desires?

The mantra needs to be a positive statement and the “I AM” statements are really strong……

“I AM Healthy, Strong and Able to…” fill the blanks with statements to confirm anything you’re creating.

“I AM excited about the best opportunity that’s showing up right here and right now to confirm my talents and skills in…….” Fill in the blanks.

My hope is that this gives you some great ideas to affirm and invoke in any area of your life that which you most desire and wish to invite into the reality you have the power and voice to bring to your reality.

I have stepped up my own daily night and morning affirmations so that I am living a more intentional life. I must admit that it’s working whether I’ve fully believed it or not. The consistency of speaking aloud that which I am calling in, gives it permission and strength to show up.

I have lists of what I want and the affirmations are the spoken lists as a conversation with the whole Universe as a beloved and magical friend that can conspire on my behalf to bring all my words to manifest. It means I must be careful with my mantras.

What are you calling in?

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!