Awaken Senses - A Spiritual Story

This subject matter is one of my great missions of this lifetime. I am committed here on earth, to awaken my senses, open my gifts and to be outrageously happy. Many of my spiritual stories are the unfolding of tales that other people have experienced in my presence, and they have really touched my heart. I have also had experiences of my own that have changed me.

One of the most profound journeys I have taken took place over the span of a three year period, with a facilitator, who led me and often a whole group of people, in transformational breathing. To say it was an awakening of all my senses, and a stretching of my being is a massive understatement, to say the least. The sessions I participated in, lasting about 2 to 2.5 hours, every month, were life changing for me.

Music played, while I danced with consistent, intentional breathing, sucking on an invisible straw, from my pelvic bone all the way up through my throat. This dancing and deliberate breathing would last about 20-25 minutes, and then you lay down on comfy mats with pillows and blankets, continuing the flow of breath, without any gaps. There was a point when the higher consciousness kicked in, awakening all the senses, while dulling down the limitations of the physical body alone.

It was the most extraordinary practice that I began to hunger for every month. It was like meditation on steroids. After those sessions, I saw the colors of my life brighter, heard with more of an understanding, not only of what was being said, but the words that were unsaid, between the lines. My vision opened and I began reading and channeling spiritually.

Something as simple as breathing had an enormous impact on every corner of my existence. It’s wonderful to have an awakening, a doorway of awareness that opens us up to who we really are. Breathing was one of the healing modalities that did that for me. I’ve often felt  that one of the great doors of spiritual growth and opening is through the natural senses we all have. Using an expanded version of our natural human senses, will lead to spiritual awakening.

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Love & Blessings,


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