Kind Thoughts - A Spiritual Story

I feel that kind thoughts begin at home. We aren’t always our own bestie, and are instead, sometimes our very own worst critics. This has to change, because we’re stuck with “US” 24/7 so we may as well enjoy the living heck out of it.

It’s more difficult to be lonely if we’re having fun being deeply in relationship with ourselves. To know oneself, is to love oneself.

I’ve witnessed over the more than 30 years of being in deliberate healing practice, that too many times, individuals obsessed over what someone else thought, felt, chose, and I was more often left with a scratching my head sense, wondering why they were choosing to spend so much of their valuable time on earth wondering about what was happening in someone else’s head and body, rather than taking the time to figure out their own. Kind thoughts of our own leads to an inner dialogue and focus on who we are, how we are choosing to show up, what matters most to us, and what life has to offer us, and as importantly, what we have to bring to the World at large.

Many years ago I attended what I thought was going to be a health retreat, in San Diego, California. It was really radical for me. They promoted daily enemas, raw food and weird oat bases, thick (quite horrible tasting) fluids. I didn’t like it at all, and have never been back. There was a lot of wheatgrass drinking going on, and to this day I tend to heave a little when fresh grass is cut in my presence.

However, there were a couple of other aspects of the retreat that were beyond valuable for me. One of them was a “transformational breath work class.” I had never breathed so deeply, or had such profound experiences than in those classes. I took 2 and was hooked. When I ran a healing center soon after that retreat, I had the great good fortune of snagging a brilliant breath work facilitator, who came to my healing center once a month for almost 3 years. Often nobody else showed up for the class, so I paid her and she did a private session for me.

I swear to this day, I fell in love with me during those sessions, and felt kindness and love from the depth of my being, that forever changed me. The other session that happened at that retreat, was a short, little bespectacled male psychologist, who got individuals to take the worst parts of themselves, place them in a chair in front of them and speak with them.

There were rules of engagement, for instance, they were only allowed to use words of kindness and love to unravel lost pieces or unforgiven parts, to heal themselves emotionally. I loved this and one of the things he shared was that if unkind or harsh words began to bubble up, you said “cancel, cancel” in your head and heart, and began the inner dialogue again, gentler and with more compassion. I still use this technique if I lose my way in any manner.

I am much kinder and more loving to me in this time than perhaps ever before. I wish this for each of you, darling readers.

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Love & Blessings,


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