Talents and Freedom - A Spiritual Story

I have had the unique honor of witnessing individuals returning to their forgotten talents, finding freedoms that were hidden, or discovering talents that hadn’t showed themselves until there was more permission for them to exist.

One of my favorite stories is one of a beautiful client, who became a sweet friend. We would do “beach days” together, which was an ideal opportunity for me to deeply relax, staying at the beach sometimes a little too long, because it was such an easy, flowing day of girlfriend-ship, that I treasured. She had committed herself to a solid spiritual pathway, and often hid away, while going deeply within. She was more profound at this step than I ever remember being, prompting me to respect her willingness to step out of the World’s hurly burly, into the layers she knew she needed to travel within.

She needed a grounding, material interest, to bring her to this earth plane ( we all need at least one of those.) I had been playing in art projects, and gemstone jewelry making as gifts and for my own bedazzled ankles and wrists. It played to my girly side of humanity, and I recommended it to her as a “must do” interest. She cast her mind back and expressed that she used to participate in making jewelry several years ago. Being a more than willing participant in what makes life richer and more fabulous ( and being a strong feminine person herself), she collected the supplies needed within days of our meeting. She made the most gorgeous bracelets, for both men and women. I received a couple of her wonderful works of art, and they felt richer, more filled with love and spiritual content than anything outside of the trinkets I made with Jeff.

I was really happy she had something material to enjoy, while she lifted her heart and suspended her spiritual path to a higher level.

You see, what I’ve discovered is that when the hands and brain are engaged in an activity, the spirit is connected, listening to guidance, and we are set free. When we are working the artistic pursuits, thoroughly enjoying what we are immersed in, the joy allows us to extend our pure, childlike joy to a whole other level.

She also stepped into herbal and food source gardening, even from an apartment building. She was able to grow and eat her own produce, at the hands of her own fruitful labors of love. I have been so happy to call her my friend. She is blessed and now she is extending her joy to help others, with profound wisdom and healing messages.

Standing in our talents, and expressing ourselves with almost total freedom is the way of the future. I celebrate and applaud this, and I am fortunate and blessed to have someone like her as a friend.

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Love & Blessings,


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