Listen - A Spiritual Story

The act of listening is one of the greatest acts of love that exists.

In many cases, humans aren’t always very good at it. Here are some examples of why it often doesn’t work……..

  • Listening often comes with an agenda.

  • Listening doesn’t happen as much as we think it does.

  • Individuals don’t generally care enough to listen.

  • Listening takes time and patience, which are not in plentiful supply.

  • We’ve become quite de-sensitized to personal relationships in our push-button era.

  • Listening happens better in person, and we are more distant in these times.

  • We often don’t listen well to ourselves, let alone each other.

So, how do we change that?

Is listening so important to the good health and well being of our World?

I feel it is way more vital than we have given credit for. After all, psychologists, counselors make a living at pretty much pure listening, so it has great credibility.

Active listening means no agenda, really tuning in to what someone is saying, and responding with clarity and conscious awareness. This is the listening that most good counselors will formulate, in their professions. There is great value to practicing this in our daily lives.

I found that with healing work, the willingness to look like a fool for the love of the recipient of the healing, was part of the importance to what could occur. I also found that I had to continue to shut out distractions from my own mind, life and anywhere else that wanted “in” to my field of consciousness. When I focused my attention on the person right in front of me, whether in person or at a distance, the healing came because the tuning in became a deep listening tool.

I love being able to do that, whenever I tune out the outside World, and tune in to what I wish to focus on, it’s as though the whole Universe is right with me, helping me to gain understanding, where wisdom then can flow through as fully as I’m capable of inviting it in.

I have listened to the body, where I am then shown, and hold the ability of seeing bones stitch back together, when breaks would usually cause weeks or months of discomfort.

I highly recommend to each of us, to continue to tune up, tune in and listen carefully for all and any signs, signals and messages. It’s an awesome aspect of listening with deep focus, that we are all very capable of creating.

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Love & Blessings,


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