Your Power - A Spiritual Story

This is such an interesting subject, and I’ve had both great and some terrible experiences, relating to power used for the good of mankind, while others have come from a manipulative, narcissistic side of life.

I had a choice of sharing a story that was warm and yummy, or a slightly more interesting story, with greater darkness. I have chosen to share the darker story, not because I live there, yet more due to the fact that over the years gone by, we have mostly all experienced the darker nature of mankind, and it’s worth sharing what I did with this, to offer you the balance, on this wonderfully diverse earth plane.

Some years ago, I had a lovely, sweet man in my midst. Unfortunately, he had a dark, dark person in his background. He had a child with her and she used the shared child as a massive tool of manipulation. She held him back from this sweet man, with stealing hours away from his time, to deliberately behaving with cruelty and public shaming, in front of his child. I witnessed it first hand, and couldn’t bear to be around her. She had behaved with such wicked and malicious intent, I chose to never set foot in her home again. The man was invited and included in holiday celebrations, which he attended, or he would have less or no time with his child. He was always torn, and it showed. He gave her more power, while relinquishing his, for the love of his child. It was sad and it tore us apart on many occasions. He had very little time with this child of his heart, and the time he did have she scraped away, by having sudden arrangements, set at the last moment, leaving him with hours and sometimes most of a day missing from his plans.

It was heartbreaking to watch, and eventually he moved away, losing most of the contact with the child, who was oblivious to her games and behaviors. In this case she used her power to control and removed the ideal potential, which is always for a child to have both parents, bringing something special from different vantage points, to a child they are supposed to each love. I know this story isn’t as uncommon as we’d like and I hope this soothes any of you that have witnessed or lived through something similar.

I know with my whole heart that this man was and always will be a loving and worthy parent. I also know the chance to shine in this area was dimmed by her manipulative and selfish behavior. The person that missed out the most, however, is the child, who didn’t get to know how beautiful his own father was.

Let’s use our power for the good and betterment of mankind, and let us empower each other, by realizing the value we each bring to the table of life.

Our children and our children’s children deserve nothing less.

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Love & Blessings,


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