Trust Yourself - A Spiritual Story

When it comes to being more in tune with ourselves and our gifts, we must start by trusting what comes through and to us.

I know I have had to learn to deeply trust what I receive as real information, especially when it comes to then sharing it with others.

I have more often than not, sat with my heart in my hand, humbled and moved by the experiences I am having with the person I am sharing that session with.

It’s never been more true than with someone who has suffered a great loss, and particularly with a parent who lost a child way too young and too soon.

My heart goes out to them in these cases, because that loss is huge and life changing. Those losses are not ever forgotten and life is different as a result.

I never know who is going to come through from the other realms, beyond this earth plane, to speak to my sweet client on this side. The request comes in from the client and I have zero control as to who will or even wants to come through.

As a result I have to trust me with all my heart, no matter what occurs, and then relay information as I see it, feel it and hear it pouring through. It really is a game of trust.

I highly recommend it. This place of complete faith in what can happen is glorious and intense. Not only are my clients often in tears, I am more than moved and often quite tearful in these session as well.

A recent one was a woman who asked for a Clairvoyant session. These always make me nervous, as I often don’t know who they lost. I tuned in before the session, being told that she had lost her mother. I always check in with this type of loss, because I don’t have mine here on earth anymore, and I miss her every single day, and have to make sure it’s not my own loss I’m feeling, rather than serving someone else’s.

The session was across the internet. We sat and called in the prayers to keep our space and energy fields nice and clean, then immediately I called in her mother. She came in bright and strong, with outfits of specific colors, very personal information that only my client would know, and responses and answers for other family members, and what was going on with them. It was a holy moment.

After a powerful session like this one, I sit and thank the Guides for all their loving help, and most importantly, before I complete with the client, I thank their loved one that came through and invite them to be obvious in walking with their beloveds (daughter in this case) and I complete the session, reminding the client to please trust what they receive, as their channel just became more open.

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Love & Blessings,


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