Powerful Words - A Spiritual Story

I have over the years become more mindful with my thoughts so that even my inner dialogue, with me, myself and I is kind, and as conscious as I can allow it to be focused on. It used to be too easy to forget that I’m always in a conversation with myself, even when practicing silence with the outside World.

On all my travels, I’ve tested the waters of many spiritual modalities and practices. I have experienced several spiritual retreats both as a student and as a leader and facilitator. I’ve loved being the student and receiving brilliance from leaders and wise ones, and I’ve equally adored being the facilitator, watching others blossom and grow, under the extraordinary guidance.

I have seen people transform right before my eyes, with the words expressed that spell out their truths. Sometimes the mirror that is shown to them is one they haven’t been able to see or perhaps in some cases, haven’t wanted to look at, and under the gentle loving guidance, shared with channeled words of wisdom, I have seen lives dramatically change within moments. I’m always a little nervous when someone books for a clairvoyant session, because usually it means they wish to connect to loved ones who have left this earthly plane, and mostly it’s one specific and special person that they really love and miss.

I cannot speak for other gifted clairvoyants, but for me, I don’t even try to control what comes through, and instead allow for the time and space to invoke a natural flow of energy, that traverses several realms of life, even beyond this one.

When I am asked to step into the clairvoyant role, with heart in hand, I am always surprised and really delighted (perhaps relieved) when guidance pours through me, providing facts and essential proof that other realms exist with our loved ones. I have told people things they could verify, sometimes descriptions of the one they lost, even down to the fabric, color and design of the clothing they were buried in, and more exquisite details.

I feel I needed this proof as much as anyone, because I was a bit of a skeptic and didn’t entirely buy into the Worlds beyond this one. This in itself caused me great concern, even fear of leaving my body one day, and imagining stepping into an abyss that I would be stuck in for eternity. The guidance and words, the pictures and proof were so awesome and detailed, that I have not been able to deny that there is an eternal realm beyond this one. I have been told that the reason we aren’t gifted with full knowledge of it, is because it would make this plane so much harder to learn from or withstand at times of turmoil and trouble.

I am here to tell you in absolute terms that we aren’t being allowed to fully prove the outer realms of existence, partly because we’ve already got way too many distractions here as it is. It’s more than difficult to get anyone to even listen to the conversation that’s happening in their midst, never mind the larger one that’s going on cosmically all the time. Have faith my dear ones, that you are loved beyond words, with a powerful force that you have no idea of its infinite and unconditional love. You are held, supported in all you are, in all you do and in all that you express and experience. If it’s bad for you, it’s supported anyway, and if it’s good for you it’s supported anyway.

The great forces are silently moving all around each and every one of us, making sure that no interference is permitted with most of the experiences we choose, whether deliberately and consciously, or by our lack of understanding, and then more mindlessly and unconsciously. We get to be led by the power of our thoughts, feelings, WORDS and actions. Let’s be more mindful.

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Love & Blessings,


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