Visualize - A Spiritual Story

I call myself a visionary and have done so for many years. This is quite a bold statement, and yet I have no concerns to own this truth, after over 30 years of conducting myself in a way that allows me to see for others. I am much more profound and accurate seeing for others than seeing for myself. This is probably as it should be, even though it is a bit annoying when I would love accurate information regarding my own life path.

It always amazes me when I can connect with supreme accuracy with someone who has passed from this World. When someone books a “Clairvoyance” reading I am mostly scared, with a hint of positive challenge thrown in. Obviously I do like an occasional challenge (sort of). The reason why I get scared is because I care so deeply, especially when helping others with their loss. It especially touches me when a parent has lost a child. I do feel that there is a natural order and ideally we are due to age and leave this earth plane before our children.

I have worked with family murder, suicide, accidental death and the unfortunately too common issues, of drugs and alcohol. These are all challenging for the family and close loved ones they leave behind. It feels like theft to them. It’s like someone just stole years ahead that they hoped to have. It can make people feel all the emotions imaginable, including sadness, anger or that they cannot move forward in a circle of simply being completely lost.

I love to help in these cases whenever I can. Sometimes the being who has crossed comes to me directly, and in other cases, I am the voice of hope when all seems lost, and in some cases it’s a mixture of all of this and even more.

I will often cry while I relay the visions I am receiving, as I am deeply touched by the connection, and moved with the ability to help make a difference, in ways I feel really count. It’s stronger since I have lost my beloved mum. This was a huge loss for me. I grew closer and more loving with her in every single year, and the time she spent with me in my healing centers, over several years, was some of the most precious time in her life, and certainly in mine, especially now she is no longer here with me on earth.

I sometimes wish I could shake the children and families awake, who take their loved ones for granted, imagining they will always be here. I want them to appreciate and love the time they have, as every day of life is tenuous at best, and certainly not promised.

Let’s visualize our best life, lived with our best peeps, filled with love and communication.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!