Truth - A spiritual Story

I love standing in my truth whenever possible. It’s way easier to do this with the guided work, because I can move anything personal to one side, and stand in the Universal energy of a greater truth to serve others. This is pure and very helpful, with the pouring through me of a loving truth of the whole Universe, rather than any personal agenda or opinions I may have learned or held. It’s one of my all time favorite things about the gifts I’ve been given. I come to the table of this Universal truth as a child in awe and wonder.

I feel I have everything to learn, and I’m so often beautifully surprised by how the truths given through me to others in service, are truths I also needed to hear. Then all I have to do is remember the important snippets that are of the greatest impact to me and my life journey.

Sometimes that’s tricky because while channeling it’s easy to share and let go. I so often forget what I’ve said and then when someone has had a huge shift because of the work, they think I will remember that huge shift and I don’t. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because much of the truths shared were for them and not for me, and in order to hold a pure space, I am simply the vase holding the flowers of truth and once the flowers are given, the vase disappears.

It’s like being a singing telegram. You bring a joyful message to someone so precious, that it touches your own heart every single time, and then once you’ve sung your song of truth, you leave and move on to the next house to deliver the next singing message and you barely remember the song you sang at each delivery. You do, however, remember how sweet the little face at the door was, and how it felt to deliver such important and valuable information, to open a heart and clear a mindset, and change a life or two here and there.

The truth is always spoken by Divine, and how and if we are able and willing to listen and receive it is up to us. Being able to receive heightened truths is also about granting ourselves sacred space and time to listen. Being open to subtle truths rather than in the face truths we are all too familiar with in the World of humanity.

One of our greatest challenges in being able to receive Divine truths is that this World has so many quite delightful distractions, temptations and diversions. This is why we must make room for Divine truth as often as possible, and preferably every single day.

My truth is that I am a healer, who walks with the Angels. I love them so much and I know they love me. I also know they love each and every one of us, and it’s my distinct honor to connect with them and provide a de-coding or translation of Divine truths whenever asked. Sometimes the access is weaker because of a lack of faith from the individuals I am serving, in the Divine face of such a profound set of truths, and sometimes there are Worldly communication issues, just like on our own earth plane when we are not able to be on the internet, with computing conversations that aren’t going through well. With enough perseverance, we can usually find a way through when all parties are willing.

Truth is always ready for us. We simply must make time and space for it.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!