Willingness - A Spiritual Story

Willingness is one of my truths. I actually prefer and really love showing up willing to learn, grow and be of service with great willingness, especially with the Guides, Angels, ArchAngels and Masters of the whole Universe. I am also extremely willing to truly listen and pay attention to the real requests, needs and wants of my clients.

I was considering the stories that highlight times of great willingness during the years of holistic service and I had a few to choose from.  Grab that tea, sit back, relax and I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one…….

When I first began tuning in and tuning up the healing, the two focus points I had to remember to be on track with, was to show up as open as possible and be extremely willing to pay attention and listen to Divine guidance. I messed up quite a few times (and still do occasionally.) When I am willing to listen, and allow greater guidance to lead me, everything in every way is always better.

I remember one morning, I was leaving to take the dog for his daily walk, before scooping up my mother to go to our newly rented center, that was empty. I stopped to tell her a concern I had, that we really needed some furniture for our reception area in our healing center, and that I didn’t want to spend too much. I told her I thought it would be so cute if we had outdoor furniture in pastel colors, perhaps even those wooden adirondack chairs that were so pretty. She agreed and smiled at me, telling me something would turn up. As I walked out of the door and began down our street to the corner, someone had placed some white, very old looking airondack furniture outside. There was a bench, two seats, each with foot stools, and a small square table all to match. The sign on front of them said “FREE, please take away.”

I had a big enough SUV at the time, and was excited. I wrote on the sign “Please don’t take - I’m coming to get them.”

I walked that dog with such joy and gratitude. I had focused on what I needed and held that space, while being willing to allow something to turn up. IT DID!!!

I love it when the Universe listens to a reasonable request and responds that quickly. I felt my willingness was good enough to elicit a fast manifesting of what I needed in an exact way.

I dropped a happy doggie off at home, collected my stuff and of course my beloved mum, and stopped with trunk open, to pick up all the free furniture. We stopped off at the paint store to gather lemon paint and all that was needed to restore the set to a good finish, and off we went to work.

I felt opportunity met my willingness to have faith and trust in the process of getting what I needed. Once painted lemon, there were soft lemon cushions on each chair and we got so many comments on the set.

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Love & Blessings,


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