The Possible - A Spiritual Story

I know that during my life I have had a million creative and sometimes slightly crazy ideas. It’s always great when you have someone close that allows you to bounce your ideas off of them, and doesn’t laugh them off or discredit them.

I have always had at least one person in my corner to do that with. My mum was that person for a really long time, and now I’m so blessed to share my life with a darling man who does that for me every single day. I feel that us spiritual, sensitive types have loads of ideas and a true innate ability to be creative in any given moment. Over the 30 plus years of healing work, many individuals have come to me because they feel lost or unplugged from their creative flow, and the homework I’ve often been guided to share with them, has always been surprising and sweet, with strategic steps to be really helpful.

One regular visitor to the question of creativity has been how do I create, when there are problems to solve first. This is where we step into solution and make that a practice, rather than standing in and living in a problematic life.

This practice alone can make for profound changes and transformation.

I remember having a young single mum of two little children, who came to me in the early days of my holistic practice. She looked beaten down by life. She was pooped, full of yawns, and could barely keep her eyes open. My intention was to work with her laying on the table, massaging and guiding her to a special place where she could deeply rest. I moved my hands very slowly along her back, while her feet were oiled in warm oils, with soft, heated booties on (sounds lovely, right?) It was. I held this really sweet space, calling in all the love of all the Angels, while she lay there completely dropped in, as the soft music, rocking hands and gentle words of encouragement and all that was possible for her life, poured through me.

I saw a timetable that she needed to print out and follow every day, for herself and her children, to keep her on track, and remove excess pressure on a life that hadn’t got enough of a plan or a deliberate direction. It was causing her more stress without a plan than she needed to experience. Raising two small children as a single parent is challenging enough, and then to feel like life was blowing her in directions that weren’t of her choosing, took her out of what was possible, making her feel she couldn’t reach a comfort zone.

She felt exhausted like someone constantly treading water in survival mode. Simply getting her to rest while planting the seeds of possible solutions into her field of energy, granted her hope and peace. We then sent her home with a printed sheet of a timetable for her to copy, with the ability to make more copies for herself and her little family. She contacted me a week later to let me know that somehow life was much more on track and she was able to keep a record of what successes she was experiencing by the daily timetable of events and plans.

This was music to my ears. We all need a boost now and then. I loved being hers.

I love being a catalyst for what’s possible.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!