Where We Go - A Spiritual Story

There are many wonderful stories I can share on this subject. I do love drawing you in to some of the stunning meditation experiences I’ve had the great pleasure to be a part of.

I spent 3 years participating in monthly transformational breath work classes, with a favorite Spiritually enriched elder instructor. She had us dancing around breathing through an invisible straw, until the World as we know it turned upside down, and my arms felt as though they were stuck on backwards, tears poured easily, and laughter came in such deep, rather loud joy, that it took everyone else in the room with it. She was a huge aspect to my own spiritual journey of growth and the opening of wisdom.

While being a student of that discipline of breathing deliberately, I also had the great good fortune of leading full, popular meditation classes. My mum was very much involved in checking people in to those classes, and then she would sit in the room, sometimes closing her eyes, and sometimes simply observing all of us. I would sit and be guided to lead a colorful journey of spiritual depth, drawing each person onto their own interpretation of what was described through me. In one memorable full class, there was an eclectic group of individuals, that included a sweet married couple, who came in hand-in-hand. She was perky, with dark blonde, curly hair, while he seemed kind, attentive toward her, with green eyes and no hair at all. They were hikers and bikers, slim, fit and were excited to try something new at our healing center.

Everyone gathered, chatted, drank herbal tea, ate my mum’s wonderful lemon poppyseed cake, and then settled down in chairs, ready for our meditation.

I led them on a pathway, leaving room for how it appeared for each of them. The room fell silent, except for the light background acoustic, instrumental music. The space was deep. Breathing was palpable. They all traveled and journeyed to higher planes. My mum was wide awake, enjoying watching the room move it’s frequency up.

I left them all in that higher plane for quite some time.

When they returned, the man who had shown up with his wife, was so different, that we all stared and kept staring at him. A very strong past life imprint was on his being. It was so powerful that everyone, including my mum, could see it. He was huge, wide shouldered, with a thick shock of auburn red hair, a mustache and full red beard to match. He wore tartan and was very obviously Scottish and not of this timeline. His manner was jovial, loud, fun and he was a bit of a character. He stayed long enough to leave us all a bit jaw-dropped. Then he was gone and the bald, slim, green eyed man returned. I was only a tiny bit disappointed to see our large Scottish man go. There wasn’t anyone, including his still amazed wife, who didn’t see the imprinted Highlander.

We each told him what had occurred and he confirmed a very strong Scottish ancestry.

The rest of the evening was almost as fabulous. We all went to the point of realization of another time and dimension with our slim hiking man. It was a gift. We have choices. There are many dimensions and timelines available to us all. There isn’t a limit to where we can go….

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