Work and Play - A Spiritual Story

This is a good subject, and it’s one that comes up a great deal more often than you’d think, with individual sessions, families and groups.  One of the reasons this is a “hot” topic is because up until recently, there has not been great balance between work and play for almost everyone I’ve spent time with. One of the aspects of the pandemic which has been so positive, is that humanity was forced inward, to reflect, educate, live in their own bubble and grow where and who they were showing up to be.

I found in most cases I worked with that people stood in the blessing of coming home to themselves, their families and their homes, rather than any complaints with the mandates and compliance of outer demands.

Many years before this, I remember a young boy of 9 who was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD, who had huge issues managing his enormous container of personal energy.

He was wonderful, vibrant, someone with potential to be a leader and entrepreneur in our World, and yet he was managed with medicine, rather than encouraged to use all that energy in a way that didn’t bug the crap out of those around him. He wasn’t doing so well at school, as following rules, especially those that didn’t make sense, definitely weren’t his thing. He was more playful as a 9 year old, and certainly less interested in work.

He was wide open to our work together. When I asked him if he was willing to close his eyes and take a journey through meditation, to see where his massive energy could go, without any limitations placed on him by anyone here on earth, his eyes grew wide and excited. His only concern was if he would be able to come back. I promised him I would create an anchor to keep his boots on the ground, while he went where his amazing mind and huge spirit wanted to soar.

He agreed. His mother was sitting in the corner of the room, making notes, totally fascinated by the process we had begun.

This was one of those sessions that I admit I had no idea what I was doing, and instead was holding the hand of the Universe, being led and shown where to take this young boy.

I began holding his feet, stomping them individually on the table, stating he was walking, right foot, then left foot and then right again, and so on. As I continued physically stomping his feet on the table, anchoring him into the earth with words, I was channeled to guide him out, way out beyond the stars. He was invited to speak once he was way out there with his energy field at a greater capacity than he’d been allowed to experience.

He began speaking of his “out there” and met with people who had left their bodies before he was born. He described them so profoundly that his mother was making notes with tears in his eyes. One of them was his mum’s elder brother who had passed. He described his salt and pepper hair and mustache, then had messages for his mum, that her other brother needed to hurry up and take care of his belly, as he had resolvable digestive issues.

The mum was weeping openly, quietly so that she wouldn’t disturb his session. The boy got to experience his spiritual gifts, and to enjoy the massive freedom of life without limits. He got to play and be open. When he came back into his physical body, there was a peace about him that was obvious.

Let’s find space and time to play, be open, and balance work and play with an open mind and a gracious heart. Life is so precious and the gold of life is time to balance work and play.

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Love & Blessings,


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