Work in Progress - A Spiritual Story

This is such a fine subject matter for our great attention. I have loved the work that has consistently run through my energetic field, especially relating to this type of subject matter. We really are all a “work in progress” and it’s up to us to decide what the ingredients and contents of our life here contains. There is so many aspects of life that we will experience, and it simply becomes a deliberate choice, providing we take our part of responsibility for what we actually choose.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far………….

The more I “do the work” the higher my frequency goes, and then every day in every way, life gets better and better and better. You may ask what “doing the work” means, and while it is individual, it isn’t very different, as we have as many similarities spiritually as we do have differences physically and within our humanity.

So, how do I “do the work?”

Every morning Jeff and I spin and gently rotate our energetic centers, around our whole body. This creates balance and connection. Then during the day we speak and attune kindness into our relationship. We don’t argue, we speak out our truths, listening to each other, and choosing the most peaceful way to address any subject matter. We don’t stand in any problem, instead we seek solution.  We don’t hold anyone or anything in “stasis” which is a stuck state of being-ness. Instead, we allow for growth and change to occur in any moment. We each encourage this with students, clients, family and friends.

Many people become attached to a story. Life is a whole book filled with interesting stories. They are simply stories. We deserve to tell a great story to ourselves and anyone who is listening. If we are going to bother to share or repeat a story, let’s make sure it serves our greater good. Let’s make it inspiring and interesting.

These are all positive traits of being a fabulous “work in progress.”

Complaining only goes so far, before anyone listening wants to wear headphones.

Let’s also not waste our precious gold of “time here on earth” listening to someone else’s misery or complaints.

All of this creates a good, worthwhile “work in progress.”

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!