Trust - A Spiritual Story

I have so often felt deeply honored to conduct the spiritual work in my World. When someone has trusted me with the deepest parts of themselves, it has truly touched my heart. Some of the stories have been quite intense within families, with loss, financial troubles, addiction and more.

Through our everyday society, there are often expectations around how we should ideally behave, raise families, live and show up in the World. There have been parents trying to have babies, couples struggling with the loss of a child and both parents and children struggling with maintaining relationship with each other. In every case, the people have chosen to trust me with their lives.

It’s always an honor.

One of my sweetest stories happened in California many years ago. A friend at the time had highly recommended me to a woman who was deeply grieving for her little girl who was terribly sick. The woman finally came to me 3 months after her daughter had crossed. I was very nervous to conduct this session. I was more of a future reader of life, tracking energy and problem solving. This ideally was going to be a more psychic, clairvoyant session.

A mermaid woman, with long white blonde hair, with blue streaks on either side, bohemian clothing, and the saddest expression you’ve ever seen, appeared at the blue doorway of the beach studio I used to conduct healing. Standing next to her I could see as clear as day, a small girl with bobbed dark brown hair, red and white spotty shoes and a t-shirt with rainbows and unicorns in glitter. The description of the little girl was as clear as the woman still wearing her body.

That session was to this date, one of the most precious experiences I’ve ever had. She was only 7 years old and a fantastic personality, that was a real loss to our World. She sung her favorite songs, shared her best movies and let her mum know how she loved her so very much. I simply sat with my eyes closed and shared the information.

The mum was weeping quietly, not having to trust what was being directed by her little girl, because the proof in what was being shared was more than enough for her. We had many sessions, all extraordinary and profound. I fell in love with the family and felt more than grateful to be part of helping them to feel more intact, with such a devastating loss.

I shared laughter and tears with this particular family, and learned so much from them. I learned to trust what was given to me. I learned that we don’t stop here on this earth plane. We go on and how we behave to one another matters. I learned that we continue to grow whether we have a body or not. I’m blessed to continue to have contact with the family to this day. They became great and dear friends that I trust with my whole heart.

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Love & Blessings,


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