Food Habits - A Spiritual Story

Food habits has ultimately been one of the major areas in my own life that’s needed balance and strategy. Sometimes I’ve gotten it so right and felt amazing, while at other times I have been so off balance and felt every inch of it, literally.

You may ask, what possible spiritual story can there be relating to food habits?

I have more than one and in this sharing, it was more about choosing the right story for this date and timeline than for almost any other reason.

So, here is one of my spiritual stories that relates to food habits……………………

Each of us carries a container of energetic resource within us. What we do with our energy is dependent on several factors, including mindset, emotions, relationships, community, support and so much more. Our container of energy in our bodies, around us in our field of energy and beyond us, through contracts and agreements we make with other people and situations, changes the flow, size, shape and current through which our energy flows. When dis-ease enters the body, most of our energy goes to the focus of survival and moving beyond the dis-ease, and much of everyday life is placed on hold, with the hope and faith that we will have another chance at pressing the reset button.

While living in the Los Angeles area, I befriended two men, who were fascinating and in a highly effective, committed relationship. They were each insightful and spiritually gifted. One of them was larger, a real foodie, a beloved high school teacher, with gorgeous eyes of ever changing greenish blue, Hawaiian brown skin and if you squeezed his essence love would come pouring out. The other was a feisty, smaller, brown eyed Latin man, with a more fiery, sometimes blunt nature, who was a brilliant energy reader. The smaller one was the man I first befriended, realizing quickly that his partner was one of the best people he could have ever brought into his existence.

We shared some sweet times together, where they were always generous and inclusive, especially after my husband passed. We went for meals in really great locations, attended festivals together and I even shared a very unique Easter weekend with them in a drag show, where the talented drag queens were way prettier than me, on my best day. The smaller of the two men became quite ill. He had colon cancer and was terrified, because he had more life in him than most people you could ever meet.

I found myself visiting him in the hospital, which is a big deal for me, since I don’t like hospitals at all, even when babies are born. We found ourselves falling about laughing at really inappropriate jokes relating to his condition, including joking about the fact that more people had recently had a very good look at his rear, which was suddenly way more interesting than his face. When we left, I was touched that in that room that day, deeper relationship was forged and I loved it. In his recovery, his larger partner was more than challenged with his care, which he undertook with the most loving and kind behavior I may have ever witnessed. As a result, however, this took a toll on my foodie friend, who needed a solid pick-him-up. Our little Latino man and myself devised a plan to do a cooking class, consisting of a three-course menu of their best choice. They chose baked bread, French onion soup, a stuffed roasted meat dish, and a layered chocolate cake.

While our Latin man rested, got some remote work done and generally enjoyed the sounds coming from their tiny kitchen, our lovely heart-open Hawaiian friend giggled, played in the food with me and we produced a fantastic three course meal, that we all sat and ate. It was such a special day that I know all three of us will remember forever. Food is such a gift and sharing the kitchen can be one of the greatest treasures there is.

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Love & Blessings,


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