Listen Within - A Spiritual Story

This is a great subject, with a spiritual truth to it, that I honor and love. There are two truths about me and the work I continue to do with all my heart for each and every one of you. One truth is that I am willing like a child, to show up, learn, grow and be present. The second truth is that I want to listen with my heart and my whole being. When I began as a massage therapist, I would bend in, lean into the body I was working on, listening to the breathing, the emotions, looking inside to the organs, the blood flow and then look through the energy fields to what was really going on, creating depth and focus on the person I was with. I was really listening. I still am. Are you listening?

As I became a clairvoyant, with all the gifts of all the clairs available to me, I stepped up my listening skills even more. I became more engaged, more excited by the results and sometimes more challenged by my World as a result.

I remember at a lovely massage school in California, I had first attended as a student, and then became a co-instructor there. It became apparent that the owner of the school, was growing more uncomfortable by the moment in having me there as one of her teachers. She reached a critical point where she wanted to let me go, and it was mostly to do with the gifts that her students were sharing from their experiences with me.

It was also that my co-teacher was about to open a school in competition to hers, and was speaking poorly of her behind her back, then going to her to cover himself, and telling her it was me doing the very thing he was. I had little proof, because the students for the most part weren’t getting involved in the injustice.

One day the owner came to me and asked me a question that led me to ask the same thing. She asked “When is Ruth speaking and when is it God?”

I told her I didn’t know. This made her very uncomfortable. After all, she wanted to employ Ruth under her rules, yet how could she impose those rules to God. My feeling when I stepped in to listen to the answer for this, was that perhaps it was alright to treat each other with the same kindness, love and respect as if we were all God. What was wrong with that? If the rules we imposed on each other would therefore disregard and dishonor God, perhaps the rules needed to be altered, not that we should fire an employee because they made us uncomfortable with the hierarchy we had created, to feed the ego.

I would tell you that showing up like a child in wonder, awe and great willingness, goes a long way to inviting in higher guidance, worth listening to. It makes us more accountable to something worthwhile, far beyond this earthly plane.

I promise myself and each of you, that I will continue to listen for the rest of life and beyond. I love the inner World of greater truths. I recommend it with all my heart.

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Love & Blessings,


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